Failure always at around the same level of pro t
Hey all. I’m new to 3D printing and have a Prusa Mk3S. My issue is that, after spending almost a full day calibrating and thinking I was good, the prints thereafter always tend to fail still a few levels above the first layer.Here is a benchy result (stopped after the nozzle started dragging the model around).
all my prints tend to start failing at around this height. Does it mean I just need more Z calibration? The plate is extremely clean!
I’m printing PLA on a steel plate.
Please show us the underside of your failed print.
RE: Failure always at around the same level of pro t
Obviously an adhesion issue, most probably caused by to high first layer and/or greasy printsheet.
"Steel plate" is a bit vague, all Prusa sheets are steel sheets, they differ in coating...
As Diem said: show the underside of the benchy. Additionally show the result of the first layer calibration still on the print sheet.
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