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Double Spool Filament Holder  

Eminent Member
Double Spool Filament Holder

Hello I am new to to Prusa world. I have the MK3s on the way. I'm trying to be prepared for when it arrives. I have looked everywhere for the double spool holder that sits on the printer. Am I missing something? Can't find it anywhere. Plenty of filament guides.


Posted : 28/03/2020 6:22 pm
Veteran Member Moderator
RE: Double Spool Filament Holder

the double spool holder comes with the printer


regards Joan

I try to make safe suggestions,You should understand the context and ensure you are happy that they are safe before attempting to apply my suggestions, what you do, is YOUR responsibility. Location Halifax UK

Posted : 28/03/2020 7:10 pm
Eminent Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Double Spool Filament Holder

Thank you so much! I have been looking everywhere for the print files. Trying to get ready for when the printer arrives 

Posted : 28/03/2020 7:16 pm
Estimable Member
RE: Double Spool Filament Holder

Here are the print files for future reference, with a printable spool holder instead of the included one, which I believe is injection molded:

Is your printer grinding? Bearings squeaking? Motors smoking?
Step 1) Wash your Steel Sheet
Step 2) Return to Step 1

Posted : 28/03/2020 7:49 pm
Illustrious Member
RE: Double Spool Filament Holder

Yes, they are injection molded and essential more stable than 3D printed.

Statt zu klagen, dass wir nicht alles haben, was wir wollen, sollten wir lieber dankbar sein, dass wir nicht alles bekommen, was wir verdienen.

Posted : 28/03/2020 11:52 pm
Eminent Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Double Spool Filament Holder

Is there a reason for printing all the new parts that are listed in the print? Are they better than what comes with the printer?

Posted : 29/03/2020 12:30 am
Estimable Member
RE: Double Spool Filament Holder


You can print replacements for parts that get damaged in an accident, broken, or simply to change the color of your printer to customize the appearance.  They are not better, they are the same as what you receive in your kit (when printed with recommended settings and PETG).

For example, I printed an entire extruder set to keep on hand, in case of a blob of death.

You can also upgrade previous models to the latest model, or make customization to the parts you think they need.  In my prints you can find a few modifications to the original parts like a new knob and various cable strain-relief supports.

Is your printer grinding? Bearings squeaking? Motors smoking?
Step 1) Wash your Steel Sheet
Step 2) Return to Step 1

Posted : 29/03/2020 1:08 am
Veteran Member Moderator
RE: Double Spool Filament Holder

Some folk like to keep a spare set, incase they break something...   I have other printers now, so I can always print new parts at will...  you may not be so lucky... 
the parts you get with a new printer should be up to date, I am not aware of a recent change to the Mk3S, 

there are revision numbers on the parts,   home printed parts have different revision numbers to factory printed parts

some folk 'Pimp' their printers out, with different colours to Orange or black. 

I have only 'broken' one part, a long time ago, a roll of filament fell off the printer because the old spool holder was a bit rubbish. it fell onto the Y motor bracket, for My Mk2 Printer, and broke it. 
at that time the parts were printed in ABS, so I cable tied the parts back together, and superglued them, I immediately printed two new reenforced motor mounts, one for that printer, and one for another mk2 that I had ordered...  I fitted the new part when I built the second mk2, but have never fitted the replacement part to the first printer which is still running about 5 years later,  (Don't fix something which is not broken!)

Fan shrouds tend to warp or droop with age and heavy use. so they may be worth printing. but they are usually printed in ABS.  Fan shrouds are often updated so you may be better waiting for a new one to come out...    (Having said that there haven't been a lot of Mk3S fan shrouds recently)
I only print PETG, PLA and TPU, so I seem to get away with PETG Fan shrouds...  I have also printed resin fan shrouds on my SL1 Printer... (Because I was Playing with the SL1 and I wanted to see if the resin was heat resistant)
Fan shrouds can get bunged up, if you get a 'Blob of Death'

The most likely part for you to break will be the left hand side of the X axis,  there is a belt tension screw on the motor mount, that people tend to abuse,  (Largely because they don't read the assembly instructions.) instead they try to tension the belt by simply screwing the screw until it breaks the printed part... (there is a limited amount of travel available, and when they put the belt on too loose, there is insufficient travel to resolve the issue, instead of re fitting the belt in a tighter manner, they overtighten the tension screw, then complain that the motor bracket breaks...))

It does no great harm to print a set of spare parts, but you may never use them...    if you are considering printing an einsy case, there are other versions  on thingiverse. some, mount the Einsy board, back to front, making the wiring easier to see, some brace the main frsme tot he rear aluminium frame section adding rigidity, some have vented intake and outlet ducts that use outside air, to cool the einsy when the printer is inside an enclosure., reducing over heating in the Einsy and reducing drafts in the enclosure.

The decision is ultimately yours.  regards Joan

I try to make safe suggestions,You should understand the context and ensure you are happy that they are safe before attempting to apply my suggestions, what you do, is YOUR responsibility. Location Halifax UK

Posted : 29/03/2020 1:24 am
Eminent Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Double Spool Filament Holder


Thank you so much for the great info. And you’re time!

Posted : 29/03/2020 2:52 pm
Veteran Member Moderator
RE: Double Spool Filament Holder

Welcome to the Family

Regards Joan

I try to make safe suggestions,You should understand the context and ensure you are happy that they are safe before attempting to apply my suggestions, what you do, is YOUR responsibility. Location Halifax UK

Posted : 29/03/2020 8:59 pm