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[Solved] Cant resume after 'Paused Thermal Error'  

Active Member
Cant resume after 'Paused Thermal Error'

Hi all
Mk3S+ with MMU3
Have occasionally got some thermal errors in the past, but could always recover.  Recently changed out the Hotend for a new one (Prusa preassembled) .   Prints have been great until just now.  3 hours in to a print I got a thermal error - no apparent reason temps displayed were good.  I resumed and it started printing again. About a minute later there were multiple warning beeps and the 'Paused Thermal Error' message.  However this time there is no option to resume.   Printer cooled down both bed and hotend so eventually I had to stop the print.  Then I get an M112 Emergency stop error.     

Any thoughts where to start

Posted : 13/02/2024 8:26 am
RE: Cant resume after 'Paused Thermal Error'

I am having a similar issue.. I got about 15 hours into a 20 hour print, and then came down to a thermal error of some kind, and the print bed and nozzle were cooled down, and the part fan was still running full speed. This happened twice in as many dayts, but I had a shorter 12 hour print in between that seemed to print just fine. 

Posted : 13/02/2024 2:34 pm
Eminent Member
RE: Cant resume after 'Paused Thermal Error'

When I first built my mk3s+ from a kit I got frequent thermal errors - so many that I couldn’t print anything. The problem was that the cable for the thermistor was loosely connected to the circuit board. So it worked well enough that the tests would pass but not well enough to actually print. 

Given that you just swapped out the hot end, I’m assuming you messed with the thermistor wires. Checking that they are firmly connected might be a good idea.

Posted : 15/02/2024 6:11 pm