Cannot get Filament to Load
I am running into an issue loading filament. I have gone through 2 spools of filament and am trying to load my third. It seems that the auto load sensor is working fine, I hear the beep and can see the gears turning trying to grab and load the filament to pull it through. However the filament does not get pulled through at all.
I tried the manual load as well, and the filament will not go through and get loaded.
I honestly seems like there is something that is blocking the filament from going as far down as possible to get loaded. I keep hitting something solid when trying to get the filament far enough for the auto load to work. I have tried 2 different spools and am running into the same issue. Neither will load.
I took a picture head down (taking off the small guide cap), but am not sure what it should look like. I got the preassembled version of the i3 and so am hesitant to really start digging into it. This is my first 3d printer.
Any help would be appreciated.
Blessed Be
Re: Cannot get Filament to Load
Sounds like a clog. Refer to this article:
NOTE- the Prusa support page has a bunch of great user articles. Check it out!
Re: Cannot get Filament to Load
I have a little doubt this is a clog, however it is not a nozzle clog. It is further up before the filament loading gears. How would I address that? Any suggestions?
Re: Cannot get Filament to Load
If it's further up, I don't think you can really fix it without taking at least the idler off. You could try setting the hotend to something really high like 245c and then trying to push on it with another piece of filament (as long as it's nice and straight) - if you can push it far enough it might all come out the nozzle.
Otherwise, refer to the documentation on disassembling the extruder assembly and try to get it out that way. No fun, but it's all built in there tight and you can't really access it any other way.
(Edit: I couldn't find a good article for the mk3, but for the mk2/mk2s it's this: . You could also look here and do that in reverse to get the idler off:
Hope that helps.)
Re: Cannot get Filament to Load
Or try this....
Bear MK3 with Bondtech extruder