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Anyone want to buy a 2 month old Mk3S?  

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Dave K
New Member
RE: Anyone want to buy a 2 month old Mk3S?


Up to you.  I actually have a brand new one, which is working fine at the moment.  But, I have a nearby friend who would love one but could not afford it.    I'd be acquiring it to help him get it running, as we routinely collaborate. 

After just building one, I think that a lot of the unit is pretty good, but there are some things that are borderline, for sure.  I'd be buying with open eyes.

All that by way of saying that if your donation doesn't work out, let me know.  My friend also works with a group of kids down in Denver on 3D printing--Explorer group or something.  Maybe you could donate to them if HS doesn't work out. 

Veröffentlicht : 27/10/2019 2:38 pm
Estimable Member
RE: Anyone want to buy a 2 month old Mk3S?


Since the printer has so many problems I submit that donating to a school is bad idea.  You are an experianced guy and can't get it fixed so why would HS students fair better?  Sell it to someone knows its history.

BTW, I don't need another printer so my suggestion is not self-interest.


Veröffentlicht : 27/10/2019 5:25 pm
Eminent Member
Themenstarter answered:
RE: Anyone want to buy a 2 month old Mk3S?
Posted by: @jerry-v2


Since the printer has so many problems I submit that donating to a school is bad idea.  You are an experianced guy and can't get it fixed so why would HS students fair better?  Sell it to someone knows its history.

BTW, I don't need another printer so my suggestion is not self-interest.


How else are the urchins supposed to learn their fix'n words?


I never said I couldn't fix it, I just won't put anymore of my time into it because it's cheap and cheesy and not worth my time. Better to invest the time in something productive. A teenager's time isn't valuable, look how much of it they waste on games.

Veröffentlicht : 27/10/2019 6:15 pm
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