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Any response from Prusa on the inconsistent extrusion?  

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Tyler Shuman
Eminent Member
Any response from Prusa on the inconsistent extrusion?

Between threads here and github it is becoming quite clear that this is an issue that impacts all MK3's. As such, has there been any response from Prusa on the matter? I find it deeply concerning that my $800 investment has a critical flaw and I don't know if Prusa is acknowledging it or working on a fix.

A simple response of "We are aware of the issue and working on a fix" would go a long way to making myself and other mk3 owners confident about the future of this printer.

Aside from that, how close is the community to fixing the issue? I've read through much of the posted links, but its hard to tell if any progress is really being made towards identifying the issue.

Opublikowany : 27/04/2018 7:44 am
Honorable Member
Re: Any response from Prusa on the inconsistent extrusion?

Between threads here and github it is becoming quite clear that this is an issue that impacts all MK3's. As such, has there been any response from Prusa on the matter? I find it deeply concerning that my $800 investment has a critical flaw and I don't know if Prusa is acknowledging it or working on a fix.

A simple response of "We are aware of the issue and working on a fix" would go a long way to making myself and other mk3 owners confident about the future of this printer.

Aside from that, how close is the community to fixing the issue? I've read through much of the posted links, but its hard to tell if any progress is really being made towards identifying the issue.

Prusa is involved in the github issue.

They have acknowledged the problem, and are investigating it. (And doing 'fixes' in firmware, that are 'helping'...kinda.

No real progress that I know of regarding Moire effect.
Inconsistent extrusion per layer. (Eg, some layers look thicker than others) has possibly been fixed. I am unable to verify due to being halfway though a 200+ hour print. (Can't change anything, without risking having to restart from the beginning)

Hi, I'm Sean. I used to work on CNC machines.
I try to not make mistakes, but the decision is YOURS.
Please feel free to donate to my filament/maintance fund.

Opublikowany : 27/04/2018 7:50 am
Jakub Dolezal
Member Admin
Re: Any response from Prusa on the inconsistent extrusion?

Hi Worthing,
yes Prusa is on it, our developer already stated this in the GitHub thread you posted (more than a week ago), to quote him "We are certainly looking into this issue."

The thing is that, not all the time we are able to replicate the issues immediately and it takes some time.

As soon as we find out, why and when is this happening we will release a fix.


Assembly manuals

/ Knowledge Base
The guy behind Prusa assembly manuals...

Opublikowany : 27/04/2018 8:03 am
Reputable Member
Re: Any response from Prusa on the inconsistent extrusion?

Thanks Jakub!

Opublikowany : 27/04/2018 8:13 am
Estimable Member
Re: Any response from Prusa on the inconsistent extrusion?

Hi Worthing,
yes Prusa is on it, our developer already stated this in the GitHub thread you posted (more than a week ago), to quote him "We are certainly looking into this issue."

The thing is that, not all the time we are able to replicate the issues immediately and it takes some time.

As soon as we find out, why and when is this happening we will release a fix.


Hi Jakub,

Has there been any progress made? The #602 on Github is full of information but doesn't really give much away on what Prusa's thoughts are other than the known Slic3r cooling slow down problem.

Would someone be able to provide us all with an official update regarding this so everyone is on the same page, all were hearing is hear say and the odd snippets from the devs on GITHUB. Or is the update 'were looking into it'.

I Know I'm not the only one who's pretty frustrated by this and currently I have a £700 printer that's not really worth using down to this on problem.


Opublikowany : 27/04/2018 8:23 am
Tyler Shuman
Eminent Member
Topic starter answered:
Re: Any response from Prusa on the inconsistent extrusion?

Hi Worthing,
yes Prusa is on it, our developer already stated this in the GitHub thread you posted (more than a week ago), to quote him "We are certainly looking into this issue."

The thing is that, not all the time we are able to replicate the issues immediately and it takes some time.

As soon as we find out, why and when is this happening we will release a fix.


Thanks Jakub, I really appreciate the response! Glad to see it's being worked on!

Opublikowany : 27/04/2018 10:40 am
Trusted Member
Re: Any response from Prusa on the inconsistent extrusion?

Inconsistent extrusion per layer. (Eg, some layers look thicker than others) has possibly been fixed. I am unable to verify due to being halfway though a 200+ hour print. (Can't change anything, without risking having to restart from the beginning)

Can you at least say what the cause of the inconsistent extrusion issues was ? And how was this fixed ?

Opublikowany : 27/04/2018 10:52 am
Estimable Member
Re: Any response from Prusa on the inconsistent extrusion?

Inconsistent extrusion per layer. (Eg, some layers look thicker than others) has possibly been fixed. I am unable to verify due to being halfway though a 200+ hour print. (Can't change anything, without risking having to restart from the beginning)

Can you at least say what the cause of the inconsistent extrusion issues was ? And how was this fixed ?

As far as i'm aware....

There's no cause because they don't know what's doing it yet it seems.

And I can confirm even the latest firmware with all the new Commits hasn't fix that specific problem.

Opublikowany : 27/04/2018 12:18 pm
Honorable Member
Re: Any response from Prusa on the inconsistent extrusion?

Inconsistent extrusion per layer. (Eg, some layers look thicker than others) has possibly been fixed. I am unable to verify due to being halfway though a 200+ hour print. (Can't change anything, without risking having to restart from the beginning)

Can you at least say what the cause of the inconsistent extrusion issues was ? And how was this fixed ?

The issue im thinking of, is the worse of the two issues I have. The inconsistent z height issue. Causes z-ringing.

Issue the was addressed was z current settings. Someone posted somewhere else or didn't help though.

Hi, I'm Sean. I used to work on CNC machines.
I try to not make mistakes, but the decision is YOURS.
Please feel free to donate to my filament/maintance fund.

Opublikowany : 27/04/2018 12:39 pm
Joe Prints
Estimable Member
Re: Any response from Prusa on the inconsistent extrusion?

I would like to know why in Slic3r PE (1.39.1).... the starting Gcode is set at 95% FR..
M221 S{if layer_height==0.05}100{else}95{endif}

Anything can be made better

Opublikowany : 27/04/2018 1:45 pm
Honorable Member
Re: Any response from Prusa on the inconsistent extrusion?

Between threads here and github it is becoming quite clear that this is an issue that impacts all MK3's. As such, has there been any response from Prusa on the matter? I find it deeply concerning that my $800 investment has a critical flaw and I don't know if Prusa is acknowledging it or working on a fix.

A simple response of "We are aware of the issue and working on a fix" would go a long way to making myself and other mk3 owners confident about the future of this printer.

Aside from that, how close is the community to fixing the issue? I've read through much of the posted links, but its hard to tell if any progress is really being made towards identifying the issue.

I find it "deeply concerning" that you claim to have read much of those posted links and could not answer that questions yourself. No offense, please. But the Github issue is an interesting read if your MK3 "suffers" from a quality issue and there you would have found out:
a) Prusa are aware and working on it
b) the community still has not found a solution (to maybe several different problems)

And then your tone is quite accusing - correct me if I perceive this wrong. I think quite the opposite of what your take-away was is actually happening: Prusa Research just started commenting on GitHub and in the forum to issues brought up in high technical detail and high frequency which is super awesome. I honestly think it is so great that they go that extra mile now and spend some minutes of their development work time for communicating with the community every day. That is greatly appreciated and lives up to the open source community spirit that is what Josef Prusa's company stands for.

And no: I do not want or expect daily updates from their internal meetings or something like that 🙂

It is so good that communication has reached a new level! I hope they keep that up and also think they benefit from this new "approach"/"experiment"

Opublikowany : 27/04/2018 4:51 pm
Trusted Member
Re: Any response from Prusa on the inconsistent extrusion?

The issue im thinking of, is the worse of the two issues I have. The inconsistent z height issue. Causes z-ringing.

Issue the was addressed was z current settings. Someone posted somewhere else or didn't help though.

I'm not sure what the sentance "Someone posted somewhere else or didn't help though" means ?

You say that the inconsistent extrusion per layer has possibly been fixed, can you share with us what you did to fix it ?

Opublikowany : 27/04/2018 10:20 pm
Jakub Dolezal
Member Admin
Re: Any response from Prusa on the inconsistent extrusion?

Hi guys,
good news! Our devs made a fix for the inconsistent extrusion, try our latest Slic3r PE:

Assembly manuals

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The guy behind Prusa assembly manuals...

Opublikowany : 27/04/2018 10:25 pm
Trusted Member
Re: Any response from Prusa on the inconsistent extrusion?

I find it "deeply concerning" that you claim to have read much of those posted links and could not answer that questions yourself. No offense, please. But the Github issue is an interesting read if your MK3 "suffers" from a quality issue and there you would have found out:
a) Prusa are aware and working on it
b) the community still has not found a solution (to maybe several different problems)

Like Worthing, I've also read through the Github thread and it's not entirely clear to me what the situation is either, there is a lot of information to take onboard, it's perhaps easier for the more technical savvy people but I (as someone who doesn't know the difference between a hot-end and a hotdog) got lost/confused pretty quickly . . . I got little sense whether progress is being made on the issue or not . . . as for 'Prusa are aware and working on it' - that wasn't clear to me either, it's not like they've made an official announcement anywhere - a blog entry perhaps . . . if they've stated somewhere in that thread that they are working on the issue then I missed it (which is not surprising given the thread had over 350 contributions), in fact I wouldn't even know which posts are from Prusa (I can't find a 'Prusa' username in the thread), I would guess one (or more) of the contributors on the thread are Prusa employees (?) but it's not clear who I should be looking out for !?

Opublikowany : 27/04/2018 10:31 pm
Trusted Member
Re: Any response from Prusa on the inconsistent extrusion?

Hi guys,
good news! Our devs made a fix for the inconsistent extrusion, try our latest Slic3r PE:

Great news ! I just need a Mk3 now to test it ! 😀

Are you able to share with us what was causing the issue ?

Opublikowany : 27/04/2018 10:32 pm
Active Member
Re: Any response from Prusa on the inconsistent extrusion?

Hi guys,
good news! Our devs made a fix for the inconsistent extrusion, try our latest Slic3r PE:

Great news ! I just need a Mk3 now to test it ! 😀

Are you able to share with us what was causing the issue ?

Maybe just read the release notes?

Opublikowany : 27/04/2018 10:35 pm
Jakub Dolezal
Member Admin
Re: Any response from Prusa on the inconsistent extrusion?

I recommend reading the release notes on GitHub, where everything is explained in detail 😉

Assembly manuals

/ Knowledge Base
The guy behind Prusa assembly manuals...

Opublikowany : 27/04/2018 10:51 pm
Trusted Member
Re: Any response from Prusa on the inconsistent extrusion?

Hi guys,
good news! Our devs made a fix for the inconsistent extrusion . . .

From what I've seen/read so far this hasn't addressed the issue, which shouldn't be surprising as it wasn't Slic3r specific.

Did you run tests at Prusa HQ ? And if so where they producing consistent extrusion results ?

Opublikowany : 27/04/2018 11:05 pm
Trusted Member
Re: Any response from Prusa on the inconsistent extrusion?

Maybe just read the release notes?

Someone got out of bed the wrong side this morning 😀

Opublikowany : 27/04/2018 11:06 pm
Eminent Member
Re: Any response from Prusa on the inconsistent extrusion?

I recommend reading the release notes on GitHub, where everything is explained in detail 😉

To be fair, how could a Slic3r update fix something that happens from gcode from any software?

Opublikowany : 27/04/2018 11:27 pm
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