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Z banding? Need help  

Z banding? Need help




Hello, as the title sais, i am having some banding issues and i am at my wits end...

The three cilinders are the same model 13mm in height 15 in diameter, and hollow (so its not the infill) and tested with 3 dried spools, layer height of the cilinders are 0.2, the tower is 0.15.

Its all pla, and the issue is all arround the model, not in a specific direction (this makes me think in the extruder) 

I tested a number of things:

Diferent temperatures, diferent flow (i went as deep as 70% flow), tight all pulley screws, check tension in both belts (this did help, but not solved the problem), verify the lead screws as well the linear rods, clean both trapezoidal nuts and grease after that, calibrate pid thermistor, calibrate axis, changed nozzle. > I kinda solved that one by loosening basically every screw to do with the Z axis, removing the screws from the trapezoid nuts, moving the X axis down to the plate, then tightening everything back up


This didnt worked for me, i changed the nozzle and i saw that it was due, but that didnt solved the problem. reflash the software, wich... didnt worked but kinda discarded software, at least in the printer side, it may be a problem with arachne (?) i have to test this

I did try printing the cilinder in vase mode, and it shows some of the banding but so much less.

The filament measure 1.75 spot on.

Im using prusa pla profile but changing the temps to my filament and stock 0.20mm QUALITY profile


Any insight is welcome. 


There is another image but cant attach it:

Added by Joan Tabb

This topic was modified 1 month ago by Kharnberseker
Posted : 17/02/2025 7:48 pm