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XYZ Calibration failing on 1st point  

New Member
XYZ Calibration failing on 1st point

MK3S. First time setting this thing up. The XYZ Calibration process fails while searching for the first bed point. It returns with the error "XYZ Calibration failed. Bed calibration point was not found." Any help would be much appreciated. I've followed the instructions in the handbook but everything seems correct to me.

Posted : 06/05/2019 7:17 pm
Illustrious Member
RE: XYZ Calibration failing on 1st point

Verify the PINDA is operable (screwdriver near the tip should turn off the red LED in it). 

Then, it's usually a matter of properly adjusting the PINDA height. The PINDA should be about 1.1 mm higher than the nozzle tip. Go back to the manual and reread the part about setting PINDA height using a cable tie.  99% of the time this is the cause of a fail.

If PINDA height is proper, another place to look is to ensure the extruder housing is able to hit the left X-Axis - this is "home" and can affect subsequent tests. Cable tie placement on the tail of the extruder are common errors. The tail should not touch the frame, power supply or EINSY case. Another cause is adding something to the extruder fan, like a screen, or using the wrong screws - though this is less likely to cause the XYZ cal error.

Next place is the Y-Axis - ensure it isn't stopping before the bearings hit the rod holders. The bearing should be centered in the slot, not at an end of the slot. And make sure the U bolts are not dragging on the frame or sled parts hitting wires.


This post was modified 6 years ago by --
Posted : 07/05/2019 3:19 am
New Member
RE: XYZ Calibration failing on 1st point

I'm having the same error message "XYZ Calibration failed. Bed calibration point was not found". What I've found is that after it goes up full height on the Z axis and asks me to clear the nozzle and it comes back down to calibrate the first bed point it is not coming down far enough for the PINDA to sense the calibration point. Note: The PINDA is about 1mm higher than the nozzle, I set height first by using the plastic tie thickness then moved it slightly closer when it didn't calibrate the first time. Both the nozzle and the PINDA are too far from the bed. I thought it may be an issue selecting if the print sheet was installed or not so I tried it both ways and still same issue. Any ideas on how to get the nozzle closer to the bed when performing Bed calibration?

Posted : 08/05/2019 7:01 am
Illustrious Member
RE: XYZ Calibration failing on 1st point

XYZ cal is done without the steel sheet.   What some have found is that the X and Y axis aren't moving full range. Something limits full motion, and prevents finding the proper home position.

Ensure the extruder body hits the left X-Axis bearing housing. The heads of the rear two screws holding the extruder fan should almost touch the left Z-Axis lead screws.  Also check that the cable harness out the back of the extruder isn't hitting the Einsy case or the power supply when the extruder is moved side to side.   Then check that when pushing the bed front to back the left bearings do contact the rod holders front and rear, and the bed or bearing u-bolts aren't catching on wires or frame parts.

And it could be a frame or some other issue you'll need Prusa to help with. Here's a couple of Prusa's blogs on XYZ cal errors and skew.

Prusa XYZ

Prusa XYZ Cal Errors

Posted : 08/05/2019 8:00 am
New Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: XYZ Calibration failing on 1st point

What firmware version are you running? This sounds like the same issue I have. The X, Y, and Z axis have full range of motion with nothing impeding them. The issue is that after it reaches the top of the Z axis and stops, when it comes down, it stays several centimeters off of the bed. This doesn't seem normal.

Posted : 15/05/2019 12:00 pm
Active Member
RE: XYZ Calibration failing on 1st point

Same here: no limits in the axis (moving full range) but calibration fails.

BR Andi

Posted : 15/05/2019 1:21 pm
Noble Member
RE: XYZ Calibration failing on 1st point

Try running the Selftest again and see if it reports any issues.

I just ran into this last weekend after tearing down my extruder. Using Move Axis everything seemed to move fine and nothing was touching, but XYZ calibration kept failing. Finally reran self test and it complained about my X axis. Turned out that while it felt fine moving it manually and the motor was moving it apparently fine, I had tightened the X carriage down too tight and was adding just enough friction to be a problem. After Selftest was happy the XYZ calibration ran flawlessly again.

MMU tips and troubleshooting
Posted : 15/05/2019 2:12 pm
New Member
RE: XYZ Calibration failing on 1st point
Same problem here as brian-w39 . Brian, did you find a solution?
Posted by: brian.w39

I'm having the same error message "XYZ Calibration failed. Bed calibration point was not found". What I've found is that after it goes up full height on the Z axis and asks me to clear the nozzle and it comes back down to calibrate the first bed point it is not coming down far enough for the PINDA to sense the calibration point. Note: The PINDA is about 1mm higher than the nozzle, I set height first by using the plastic tie thickness then moved it slightly closer when it didn't calibrate the first time. Both the nozzle and the PINDA are too far from the bed. I thought it may be an issue selecting if the print sheet was installed or not so I tried it both ways and still same issue. Any ideas on how to get the nozzle closer to the bed when performing Bed calibration?


This post was modified 6 years ago by edugordon
Posted : 13/06/2019 8:27 pm