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X and Y printing size dimension too low  

Eminent Member
X and Y printing size dimension too low

Hello everybody,

After roughtly 30 hours of prints, I have printed the XYZ bench cube of 20mm and I notice that my Z dim is perfect but my X and Y dim are both equal to 19.85mm.


I changed the multipler extrusion setting from 1 to 0.95 and then to 0.90 and I get exactly the same results fr X Y and Z (good precision but bad accuracy)


I tried to look for some help in internet but I didnt find nothing relevant. Could you please give me any advice and printer parameter I need to check to add those extra 0.15mm to X and Y dim ?

Maybr I need to launch again the xyz calibration test again on my mk3 ?


Thank you

Posted : 10/06/2019 7:53 am
Illustrious Member
RE: X and Y printing size dimension too low

Depends on many factors: assuming 0.15 layers...

You should run XYZ calibration again, that's what sets the X and Y size constants for the steppers.  Z is extremely hard to get wrong, since it is a lead screw: the only place you can get variation is in layer one height calibration.  If your layer 1 is set to 0.20 mm, and you've adjust z-offset to result in a 0.1 mm layer .. you always be off by that 0.2 vs 0.1 error (19.9 mm).

 The other check is for wall thickness. On your test cube, the nominal wall thickness should be 0.45 mm (if you haven't played with Plicer defaults).  Anything less and your extruder calibration is off.


ps: extruder cal can be upset if the filament is not aligned perfectly with the teeth in the extruder gear. A slight offset can cause problems.  You can also verify that extruding 100 mm of filament results in 100 mm of filament actually being extruded.  Mark 100mm on the filament, manually feed 100 mm via the LCD move command... if not equal you can adjust the extrude ratio.


This post was modified 6 years ago 2 times by --
Posted : 10/06/2019 4:18 pm