What do I need to configure or do to enable the "Print" button from Pronterface?
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What do I need to configure or do to enable the "Print" button from Pronterface?  

Eminent Member
What do I need to configure or do to enable the "Print" button from Pronterface?

I have a new installation, have loaded a test pattern from Pronterface, and would like to print it.

The "Print" button is greyed out. What do I need to set up, configure, or do so that Pronterface will be able to print, for now, a test pattern?

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Posted : 29/04/2021 7:10 pm
Veteran Member Moderator
RE: What do I need to configure or do to enable the "Print" button from Pronterface?

have you connected to the printer, and have you loaded the gcode.?


I try to make safe suggestions,You should understand the context and ensure you are happy that they are safe before attempting to apply my suggestions, what you do, is YOUR responsibility. Location Halifax UK

Posted : 29/04/2021 7:19 pm
Illustrious Member
RE: What do I need to configure or do to enable the "Print" button from Pronterface?
Posted by: @cjshayward

I have a new installation, have loaded a test pattern from Pronterface, and would like to print it.

The "Print" button is greyed out. What do I need to set up, configure, or do so that Pronterface will be able to print, for now, a test pattern?


This topic is now in multiple threads. It's a good idea to keep a single thread so folks can follow who is helping. Plus, there are help pages on the Prusa site that describes using these tools. You may want to spend some time reading these pages to get an understanding of how to use the tools.

Posted : 29/04/2021 9:54 pm
Noble Member
RE: What do I need to configure or do to enable the "Print" button from Pronterface?

It should probably be noted that pronterface is convenient for small(up to a few hours) prints, but really not great for much longer prints.  If the computer has any issues, or reboots, you have no way to resume your print.   If printing from sd card you can at least attempt to resume your print. 

Posted : 30/04/2021 12:42 am