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Weird offset / missteps on Z axis or extrusion problems ?  

Active Member
Weird offset / missteps on Z axis or extrusion problems ?

A new printing problem recently appeared on my MK3S, with weird offsets appearing on walls, but in every axes...

It's like if multiple layers were done without going up on Z ?

Has anyone experienced this before ?

Here is the slicer project : cube-40-40-40

Thanks for your help!

Posted : 29/01/2024 9:51 am
Noble Member
RE: Weird offset / missteps on Z axis or extrusion problems ?

Look like a mechanical problem. Is it reproducable the same or random? What does the cube look like when printed in vase mode?

Are you pinting in normal mode with collision detection?

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Posted : 30/01/2024 12:49 pm
Noble Member
RE: Weird offset / missteps on Z axis or extrusion problems ?

PS: What's this custom g-code before layer change in ypur project doing? (Nothing I'd guess):

M220 S{if layer_num < 1}50{else}100{endif} ; M220 adjusts feed rates to 100% for first layer

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Posted : 30/01/2024 12:59 pm
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Weird offset / missteps on Z axis or extrusion problems ?

I thought it was a mechanical issue, but when sliced with Cura instead of PrusaSlicer, the print was coming fine...

I then flashed the latest firmware, cleaned-reinstalled Prusaslicer and its settings, did a factory reset and a full calibration.

Now the print is fine again.

Posted : 09/03/2024 5:28 am
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Weird offset / missteps on Z axis or extrusion problems ?

Yes, it's just some GCode to slow down the print only for the first layer.

Posted by: @robin

PS: What's this custom g-code before layer change in ypur project doing? (Nothing I'd guess):

M220 S{if layer_num < 1}50{else}100{endif} ; M220 adjusts feed rates to 100% for first layer


Posted : 09/03/2024 5:29 am
Noble Member


Posted by: @nio101

Yes, it's just some GCode to slow down the print only for the first layer.

Posted by: @robin

PS: What's this custom g-code before layer change in ypur project doing? (Nothing I'd guess):

M220 S{if layer_num < 1}50{else}100{endif} ; M220 adjusts feed rates to 100% for first layer


Yes, but it's not...

The "if layer_num < 1" condition is never met since the first layer is layer 1 so no layer is <1 and even if you'd change that condition to <2 (or =1) it would not work as intended since the first time this will be evaluated is literally "before layer change" which is after the first layer has been printed...

This post was modified 10 months ago by Robin

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Posted : 10/03/2024 11:07 am
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Weird offset / missteps on Z axis or extrusion problems ?

FYI layer_num is zero based, so the first layer will have layer_num==0.
You can easily test it.

Posted : 10/03/2024 11:38 am
Noble Member


Posted by: @nio101

FYI layer_num is zero based, so the first layer will have layer_num==0.
You can easily test it.

No, it's not, and yes you can easily test it:

Slice your own project from above, save and open the gcode-file, find the first occurrence of "; M220 adjusts feed rates to 100% for first layer", notice the fact that the line  begins with "M220 S100" as do all the other occurrences of this line... Note that this is still the first layer, since the "G1 Z.4 F720" command for moving to the second layer is still a few lines down.

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Posted : 10/03/2024 4:15 pm
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Weird offset / missteps on Z axis or extrusion problems ?

You're right, thanks, I'll fix that too!

Posted : 10/03/2024 6:55 pm
Robin liked