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Weird noise while printing  

New Member
Weird noise while printing

Hello, I have a problem with my printer. It's making a weird clicking noise while printing large pieces, the motor on the extruder starts to overheat and the print starts failing. I'll leave a video at the end. There you'll hear what I'm talking about. The printer is a prusa i3 mk3 kit assembled at home, and in the video is printing PLA+ at 45mm/s - n200ºC b60º.
To make the noise stop, I have to pause the print, unload the filament, then load it again, and then continue the print. But that never ends up well either.

Here's the video:

I'd really appreciate the help!

Posted : 12/12/2018 2:01 am
Bunny Science
Noble Member
Re: Weird noise while printing

I agree it is a problem with your extruder. Do/Check the following with power off but with filament in place.

1. Remove filament sensor cover piece (that tiny piece)
2. Remove both extruder tension screws and springs from left side of extruder
3. Open extruder idler door fully

4. Check - idler can free rotate AND slide back and forth on its axis. If not, correct your idler shaft to engage both sides of pulley mount. Also, you did lube the pulley bearing prior to installation, right?

5. Check extruder gear is positioned on shaft to be aligned with filament and CENTER of teflon tube. It will almost certainly be aligned with the filament because it can foce the filament into its groove, but pay attention to how well centered (fore and aft of printer) the filament enters the teflon tube. It should be centered. If not, adjust pulley position on shaft to center the filament in the teflon tube.

6. Now is a good time to square the ends of the two springs. As delivered, they don't have flat ground ends. Those uneven, sharp ends create a notchy feel as you tighten the tension screws. Some work with a metal file and fine emery clot quickly flattens the spring ends. You should get them to easily spin against the heads of the bolts without much catching. This makes setting extruder tension easier.

7. Close and screw in the tension bolts/springs until bolt heads are nearly flush with extruder body. Install filament sensor cover. Preheat then REMOV the filament.

8. Set final tension by unscrewing both bolts until loose. HOLD the the idler closed and gradually screw in each bolt until you feel the spring tension change how easily each bolts turns. Go another 1/4 to 1/2 turn tighter. That should set your idler tension appropriately.

If this does not correct your problem, it could also be back pressure from a partially clogged nozzle or too low head temperature, but I think those are less likely

Posted : 12/12/2018 8:03 am
Eminent Member
Re: Weird noise while printing

Very similar problem. But just with red filament, and only after 1/2" of height. Will certainly try your fixes.
PS - springs should come from vendor properly flattened.
PS - Mk3 kit is fabulous. Should be TIME magazine "most influential machine of the year".

Posted : 12/12/2018 2:00 pm