Trouble with Z calibration?
I just finished putting together my new kit, I think I have everything correct. Only issue I had during assembly was putting the LCD cables backwards. It goes through the first part of the Wizard by testing the fans, heaters, and the steppers motors. The problem comes during the XYZ calibration test. The lcd says Z calibration and the machine makes a vibration noise? As the z does not move for a while, then the carriage lowers a little and I get a calibration failure message that says check the axes. I tried flashing the latest firmware. You can step the machine x ,y , and z directions using the menu. Just don’t know what is wrong.
RE: Trouble with Z calibration?
Sounds to me like the z axis is not moving smoothly. Check if everything is installed correctly ( starting here: ). Pay special attention to the trapezoidal nuts. When done post some pictures perhaps somebody spots the problem.
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RE: Trouble with Z calibration?
I found that the left rod was out of the upper bracket, fixed it. I think I messed it up while wiring everything. Researched a little bit, Another person had trouble with the Trapezoidal nut, replaced it with the spare and it works now. Thank you for your help.