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Random stoppages for heat up  

New Member
Random stoppages for heat up

My i3 Mk3 Prusa was working excellently for around one month. Now is randomly stopping during the print and waiting for "heat up". At least such info appears on the screen. Both extruder and bed temperatures are correct and the filament flow is ok but... it is stopping randomly. During stoppage there is some filament flow causing some blobs on the print. Such blobs are ruining my printouts - I'm doing thin wall printing. Interesting that for entire month same prints were running soothly without any problem.

I have latest firmware, I did firmware re-installation - nothing has changed. Still same nasty blobs on the printout in random position.

Anyone knows any remedy?

Posted : 12/12/2018 5:07 pm
Honorable Member
Re: Random stoppages for heat up

Could it be this issue:

Posted : 12/12/2018 5:28 pm
New Member
Topic starter answered:
Re: Random stoppages for heat up

Well... probably no. Stoppages are occuring quite frequently, Every 3-4 minutes and temp. On the Prusa display is absolutely steady. Set to 230 and showing 230 all the times. 😕 No any fluctuations whatsoever.

Posted : 12/12/2018 5:59 pm
New Member
Re: Random stoppages for heat up

Got the same problem as well. Just the way you describe it, but for me it occurs even more frequently, like every minute. Printer doesn't display a change in temperature, it stays steady at 235, but then the printer randomly stops and displays "heating...". As I printed mechanical parts since it occured for the first time, it didn't bother me, however, if I want to print objects which require high detail I get blobs all over the place, which makes is basically impossible to use those.

Got the latest firmware as well.

Does anyone know how to fix this problem?

Posted : 23/12/2018 6:40 pm
New Member
Re: Random stoppages for heat up

Tested several objects, however the issue only occurs when printing small area per layer, the bigger the object in xy direction, the less frequently the issue seems to occur, but it doesn't seem to show up at a layer change, it occurs completely randomly, no matter if the layer is finished or not. No idea wether it is Slicer or firmware related 🙁 .

Anyone got any info?
Thanks in advance!

Posted : 23/12/2018 10:13 pm
New Member
Re: Random stoppages for heat up

Update 2:
While trying to find some good temperature settings and the right amount of retraction for some new PETG, I figured out the retraction could be what's causing the blobs. Changing all the settings concerning retraction didn't really do anything. At last, I let the firmware handle the retraction ... and suddenly the blobs were gone.
Obj on the left is Slicer retractions, right was handled by the firmware.
No idea what causes the extruder to stop, but this way it seems to work for me.
I'm rather new to this forum,so I don't know in which way I should report such an issue to Prusa directly to make them aware of this problem. Some advice would be helpful.

Thanks in advance and Merry Christmas y'all.

Posted : 24/12/2018 6:50 pm
Estimable Member
Re: Random stoppages for heat up

exact same problem, same firmware - no apparent cause

Posted : 26/12/2018 9:38 pm
Active Member
Re: Random stoppages for heat up

I can’t explain why, but when this happened to me what was actually wrong was that the left-side bond tech gear in the extruder housing had come loose; its shaft had somehow come out of its housing.

I’d recommend opening up the left-side flap on your extruded and checking the gear is seated properly.

Posted : 28/12/2018 6:54 pm
Estimable Member
Re: Random stoppages for heat up

Had the same thing folks and was the thermistor/hotend was faulty.

It was working most of the time but intermittently cutting out.

I'd suggest check your connections and wiring - for me the wires into the extruder had become faulty after a month or so.

Prusa support were excellent and up and running perfectly again.

Posted : 29/12/2018 12:53 pm