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Prusa Mini break
Hi all.
I had the printer for a whole of a few days. Assemebled, leveled, and first prints were good. Then I tried to print a 28mm scale mini, to see what it would work. Then I noticed the filament wasn't sticking. It got stuck to the nozzle and then dragging - i.e. not sticking to the base.
So I cleaned the print bed, washed and isopropyl, checked for clogs to see why it was sticking to the nozzle, then I tried to change the nozzle.
Which was my big mistake. I broke the nozzle in the heat bed. Wonderful.
Got a new heat bed, put in a new nozzle, and tried to level, but the nozzle and PINDA looked wrong. Sure enough, it is. I tried to auto bed level and the nozzle left divots in the print bed.
Can anybody give me some tips to fix please?
Posted : 09/08/2020 6:46 pm