PINDA bracket broke
I have gone thru the assembly instructions to see how to reverse assemble it so I can change the part that holds the PINDA. I come up with nothing. What part do I need and how do I go about installing it. I don't want to go in blind and just take apart everything only to find out there was a simpler way. HELP!
RE: PINDA bracket broke
I've been printing a boatload of PCCF lately and as a result my PINDA holder was sagging so I replaced it with one printed with PC-CF.
The part you need is extruder-body.stl at
You have to disassemble the whole hotend. Just follow in reverse. It's not that difficult. Make sure when you've put it back together again to recalibrate your z axis and redo live Z.
Formerly known on this forum as @fuchsr -- until all hell broke loose with the forum software...
RE: PINDA bracket broke
Thanks for your input. Now that I know what it looks like I realize I already have a spare made. So it's time to get to work!
RE: PINDA bracket broke
Another problem.......................took a bunch of stuff apart and things where going well until I ran the Z axis all the way up for easier accessibility. Now the Z axis will not go down and I cant get to the rear screws to tighten them. What to do?
RE: PINDA bracket broke
Never mind. I didn't think I should push down on the Z motor screws so I didn't. But then I did, so I'm all set.
RE: PINDA bracket broke
Good job just take your time and all should be good
Please help me out by downloading a model it's free and easy but really helps me out
RE: PINDA bracket broke/ now this
I replaced the PINDA bracket and did the Wizard calibration. All's fine. That is until I started to print a part for my project. I've had crashes before and dealt with them. This time I have no idea what's going on. Help please!