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PETG - looking for help  

Daryl Bongo
Active Member
PETG - looking for help


Any ideas why my print looks like this on the first layer?  The issue is that, on the next layer, all of that buildup will catch on the nozzle, make a mess and ruin the print or at least cause me to abort it.  I print PLA perfectly!  This is Prusament PETG Prusa Orange, brand new spool.  I'm using the suggested filament settings (nozzle is 240, bed is 85), right in the sweet spot of the settings printed on the spool.  Smooth, clean bed.  I wiped it with Windex just before the print.

Prusa's website says PETG is easy to print, but it seems that many people (now including me) are having a lot of issues printing it.  Thanks in advance for help anyone can offer!


Posted : 31/05/2020 8:49 pm
Active Member
RE: PETG - looking for help

Did you raise your Z height?  On my printer, PLA prints perfectly at -0.498, but for PETG I had to raise it up to -0.250 or so.

Posted : 31/05/2020 10:04 pm
RE: PETG - looking for help

You really have to individualize the Z for each type and sometimes even roll to roll of the same filament.  

If adhesion fails:

  1. Clean the bed with IPA.
  2. Clean the bed with soap and water.
  3. Check your Z.  

If you get print defects:

  1. Clean your nozzle.  
  2. Check your Z
  3. Dehydrate your filament.  

Chuck H
3D Printer Review Blog

Posted : 31/05/2020 10:46 pm
Estimable Member
RE: PETG - looking for help

Yeah the live Z looks to low there.

Posted : 01/06/2020 7:40 am
Daryl Bongo
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: PETG - looking for help

@2crayz thank you, that  makes sense. I didn’t change Z. I’ll try again and raise it. 

Posted : 01/06/2020 11:02 am
GMoney liked
Daryl Bongo
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: PETG - looking for help


Thanks Charles!  I’m still new to this and learning the differences in filament is another important lesson. Good tips!

Posted : 01/06/2020 11:04 am
Daryl Bongo
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: PETG - looking for help

For anyone who’s printing PTEG for the first time, the advice in this post helped completely solve my problem. I did a LiveZ adjust and moved my nozzle from -.700 (perfect for PLA on my printer) to -.350. That turns out to be the magic number for me, although yours will be different because the height of your PINDA is probably different than mine.   Either way if you’re having blobs and gaps with PETG, go into LiveZ and rotate the knob clockwise to increase the distance between the nozzle and bed. In my case, from perfect PLA prints, i had to adjust by about 50%. I’m very pleased with the way PETG prints now!  It just seems to be consumed faster than PLA for some reason. 🙂

Thanks again for your suggestions guys!  I hope this helps someone else!!

edit: iOS autocorrect mistakes 🙂

This post was modified 5 years ago by Daryl Bongo
Posted : 03/06/2020 10:49 am