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occasional last layer weirdness  

Active Member
occasional last layer weirdness

Hi all,

I've recently put together my mk3 and working with it has been great fun.

However, on some prints (not all of them) I notice that the very last layer looks weird.

This is the test I'm currently looking at:

The last layer seems a bit messier than the rest, and the color seems to get lighter near the very end of the print.

The top of my benchy looks pretty much perfect, though:

I'm printing with the included silver PLA for now. As this seems to happen on some prints only, I'm unsure where to look. Experience might help, I'm sure, so your thoughts would be greatly appreciated.


Posted : 28/03/2019 1:11 pm
Illustrious Member
Re: occasional last layer weirdness

Anything with a hole in it is going to look funny. The slicer uses an odd algorithm to do infill around holes, so it moves down one side one direction, then comes back later to finish spaces it can't do in one pass. Sometimes it will infill from opposite directions, and this makes matters even worse.

The best and easiest solution is to slow solid infill speeds until the surface is the quality you want. But even printing at 15 mm/s won't fix the texture issue caused by micro-scratches in the nozzle surface that leave traces on the print.

Posted : 30/03/2019 2:03 pm
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
Re: occasional last layer weirdness

Makes sense, thanks.

Would you think similar reasons would account for the effect in the below picture from Pylot818 ? As in, too many weird moves to fill in the last layer?
I've seen this, too, and I'm still curious about the cause.

(from )

Posted : 31/03/2019 12:10 am
Illustrious Member
Re: occasional last layer weirdness

Yep ... arrows show direction of infill. Those swirls at the end of travel are called wipes, a method to prevent stringing.

Posted : 31/03/2019 12:23 am
Noble Member
Re: occasional last layer weirdness

changing the "top infill pattern" can help

I have a Prusa,therefore I research.

Posted : 31/03/2019 12:28 am
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
Re: occasional last layer weirdness

Yeah, I have noticed that on some pieces just rotating everything 45 degrees sometimes improves the pattern.

Well, good to know it's "expected behavior". Thanks again !

Posted : 31/03/2019 12:53 am