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[Solved] Nozzle hitting my print?  

Kovir Wyttcliff
Active Member
Nozzle hitting my print?

After about 100 hours of successfull printing with PET, ABS and CPE HG, I am starting to get failed prints. 

Since the beginning, I was complaining of the screeching noise (plasticky screech) , that seemed to be occuring only when I print PLA. Lately I started to get this also with ABS, but my prints were finishing mostly fine.

This time round, I had a model that needed great amount of supports and I couldn;t get it done printed. Between foruth and sixth layer the top layer of supports got torn away by the nozzle and started interfering with the print to a moment when it failed completely. I even once took great care to cut away the strain string and resumed the print only for it to occur several layers again in a different place of the print. 

So I tried to turn the print to a side and tried to print that way. Same thing occured. I have abandoned the print, went ot do somethign else but eventually this new print started to fail too. Without supports this time, it felt like the nozzle was hitting the pieces of the object and were pinching it away form the bed. 

Adding skirt didn't help either, it only occured somewhat later in the print. It feels like its violently pinched away byt he nozzle and not just a warped object - had that a lot with ABS and its different this time, happens with PLA also. 

Cleaned the nozzle, Z calib, mesh bed leveling, first layer check all seems to be good. 

What else should I try? 


Best Answer by Kovir Wyttcliff:

For the reference, ultimately I printed what I wanted. 

Lowered teh PFTE tube in the extruder, it was scratching on the bondtech wheels and possibly affecting the filament coming from teh nozzle to a degree, along with lowering the Z level much lower than I had previously. Added another -0.125 and it printed out much better. Oddly enough the Z claibration print alreayd creates hills between the lines of the filament, but the actual print is mostly flat where there is solid fill in the first layer. 

This topic was modified 6 years ago by Kovir Wyttcliff
Posted : 17/08/2019 6:26 pm
Kovir Wyttcliff
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Nozzle hitting my print?

For the reference, ultimately I printed what I wanted. 

Lowered teh PFTE tube in the extruder, it was scratching on the bondtech wheels and possibly affecting the filament coming from teh nozzle to a degree, along with lowering the Z level much lower than I had previously. Added another -0.125 and it printed out much better. Oddly enough the Z claibration print alreayd creates hills between the lines of the filament, but the actual print is mostly flat where there is solid fill in the first layer. 

Posted : 20/08/2019 4:30 pm
Illustrious Member
RE: Nozzle hitting my print?

What you describe is often caused by oils on the print bed. A good cleaning with soap and water will return the sheet to factory performance.

What happens is - when a sheet is dirty - the plastic will start warping, and the bed adhesion isn't enough to hold the part down in corners or other stressed areas, so the part warps, and lifts off the bed, compressing upper layers and creating print issues. 

This happens with PLA, and gets worse with ABS and to some extend PETG.

Posted : 20/08/2019 6:02 pm