Newbie-First Print-Is this normal
Hi all,
I got my M3S yesterday and tried a practice print of the Prusa logo that is on the SD card. I'm seeing blobs(not sure the correct working) at what looks to be either the start or end, maybe both when completing the top layer, see below picture
This is my first steps getting into printing, not sure what is normal or not. What is a good print or not. I know in the eye of the beholder, but just curios
RE: Newbie-First Print-Is this normal
This is normal. the printer does a little "swirl" at the end of an infill before a retract (aka a "wipe") to try to reduce stringing when a z-hop and travel move follow.
RE: Newbie-First Print-Is this normal
Hi all,
I got my M3S yesterday and tried a practice print of the Prusa logo that is on the SD card. I'm seeing blobs(not sure the correct working) at what looks to be either the start or end, maybe both when completing the top layer, see below picture
This is my first steps getting into printing, not sure what is normal or not. What is a good print or not. I know in the eye of the beholder, but just curios
It is hard to say from that low resolution image but they will get smaller if you don't overextrude, I cant tell from the image if you are or not but you could try calibrate that if you haven't already. Either with the measuring of how much filament it actually draws when you tell it to draw 100mm with pronterface or by printing some parts from thingiverse that should fit together like
RE: Newbie-First Print-Is this normal
Filament diameter causes variation in extrusion rates. A filament that is 1.79 mm will print thicker than a 1.67 mm filament. With a Mk3 printer, the Bondtech gear is reasonable accurate as far as extrusion rate goes. It's a good idea to check the extruder by extruding 100 mm and verifying 100 mm of filament passed the gear, but it's generally quite close unless you've modified something.
That said, you're much more likely to see over or under extrusion because of filament differences.
But the z-lift wipes will be noticeable, even when the extrusion rate is perfect.
You can read about and play with the settings here:
RE: Newbie-First Print-Is this normal
Search on ironing, with 3d printing, so you get a more nice surface.
On this forum if you search on this (ironing), you find tips to get a nicer surface.
Ironing is not jet in slic3r.