New Kit - Selftest fail at Front print fan
I have built the MK3 and started with the Wizard.
The Selftest fails when testing the Front print fan - Wiring error.
The strange thing is:
When the printer boots up, both fans spin for a few moments and they both sound normal.
But in selftest mode, the front fan spins up and start with a strange sound - like the bearings are bad.
Thanks for the help
Re: New Kit - Selftest fail at Front print fan
can you spin it up with gcode or pronterface/s3d/octoprint? support will easily replace a fan if its bad.
Re: New Kit - Selftest fail at Front print fan
I think there is something wrong with the fan.
I can start it up via the Printer menu, it starts spinning when the value is about 32-35, then with some kind of whining. The whining finally disappears 245-255.
When I start a print (Prusa Logo, whistle, etc.) the first layer has the fan deactivated and when the second layer begins, the fan starts, the layer is going to be printed and then the print is aborted because of a fan error.
I think I have to contact support.
RE: New Kit - Selftest fail at Front print fan
Hi, I have a similar problem, after assembly my MK3S selftest failed for front printer fan. Fan spins every time ok, even if I select spinning manualy through LCD menu, everything is fine, just the selftest fail every time on this step.
I tried to move the cables, checking connectors and even factory reset. Only thing what works for me, is to TURN OFF error fan check. Then I was able to print.
RE: New Kit - Selftest fail at Front print fan
Click on EShop, then Chat in lower right.
That will get you to Support - and they can help you.