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New kit printer burns PET-G at 250C  

Staszek Salik
New Member
New kit printer burns PET-G at 250C


I assembled my MK3 and noticed that I need to set up temperature way below specs to get any decent results.

I use Prusament PET-G. When I do print at 250C the filament is literally burned - leaves charred traces, smells and the print is generally melted.

I managed to get nice results after setting up the temperature to 220C in slicer and even manually limiting it to 215C during print.

I checked if nozzle (0.4) is consistent with setting in the slicer and on the printer - it is correct.

Does that indicate the temperature sensor is giving the wrong data? Do you have any suggestions how this can be further diagnosed or fixed?

Best regards,


This topic was modified 2 years ago 2 times by Staszek Salik
Posted : 28/02/2023 1:23 pm
Estimable Member
RE: New kit printer burns PET-G at 250C

Are you certain it is really PETG?  Double check label.  What does it smell like (when not being burnt)?

Posted : 28/02/2023 7:31 pm
Staszek Salik
New Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: New kit printer burns PET-G at 250C

I am pretty positive, it is PET-G Prusa Orange ordered directly together with the printer.

I also noticed that the temperature jumps up and down while printing for no apparent reason. This is what happened while I tried printing at 225C. All of a sudden it increased to 250C and slowly cooled down to 225C. The second time temperature did not go down quickly enough and the print was burned again.

The filament was taken off the shrink wrap only two days ago and I kept it inside the bag with silica when not used.

I suspect there may be some issues with the temperature sensor. Could you advice any tests I could do? Or should I send it back?

Posted : 28/02/2023 7:51 pm
Illustrious Member

This could, potentially, be dangerous.

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Posted : 28/02/2023 11:56 pm
R&D liked
Estimable Member
RE: New kit printer burns PET-G at 250C

What Diem said.

Posted : 01/03/2023 12:26 am