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Need help diagnosing printing issue  

Active Member
Need help diagnosing printing issue

We are having issues with our Pruse MK3 printer. We built the printer back in December of 2018 and used it on and off but hadn't used it for a couple months. We tried to print with it and had some issues with the print not sticking. After a couple layers it would start to lift up. We tried a lot of different things but had no luck. We switched filament from black PLA (which we had just added) back to the grey PLA we used previously and that didn't help. We started suspecting it was the model (since it was custom made) so we did calibration again and printed the whistle. The whistle seemed to print fine. We then went to print another model (the gear one) and the first layer wouldn't even finish.

I sat down this morning to do more troubleshooting. Please note that we have a brand new treated heatbed from Prusa. I did the first layer calibration test and it looks like this.

The final square looks pretty goo, which you can see a close up of here:

However, if you look at the final image below you can see several spots where the line seemed to hickup or catch or something. Those portions are not stuck to the bed. I did a cold pull this morning and it looked fine. Nothing seems to be caught or stuck in the extruder. We are at a loss as to what is happening . I updated to the latest firmware and we were planning on upgrading to the M3S (we purchased and received the kit) to see if the updates to the extruder would help but the kit doesn't come with the parts and we can't get the printer to print effectively right now. 

We would be grateful if anyone could assist.

Posted : 06/08/2019 4:32 pm
RE: Need help diagnosing printing issue

How was your filament stored?

Chuck H
3D Printer Review Blog

Posted : 06/08/2019 4:44 pm
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
Quick update

I wanted to add another image of it actually trying to print. This is just the Prusa logo. The initial outline didn't stick at all (as you can see). Note that the small test that the printer makes just outside the printing area before it starts working on the actual model always seems to stick fine.

Posted : 06/08/2019 4:54 pm
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Need help diagnosing printing issue

Stored? Lets say it wasn't. The grey spool was just sitting on a table and the black one was left attached to the printer. This is inside the house if that matters.

Posted : 06/08/2019 4:57 pm
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Need help diagnosing printing issue

Could this be a moisture problem with the PLA? We are new to printing and were not aware of this. It has been months and the spools would be in the kichen area and exposed to varying temperatures.  The humidity can be a little high at times and they are left out in the open and not stored in any container.

Posted : 06/08/2019 5:13 pm
RE: Need help diagnosing printing issue

Looks more like your bed is dirty and has fingerprints or oil on it and is in need of a good cleaning. IPA will not be sufficient to remove that. While against PR's recommendations, best success has been reported by taking it to the sink, scrubbing with plain (no additives, lotions, etc) dish soap, clean paper towels, and hot water. A clean bed will have water bead up and sheet off it like a freshly waxed car. 

Then, handling only by the edges, dry thoroughly with clean paper towel (not the kitchen towel!) and put it on your heatbed at 60C for a few minutes to finish drying it (don't leave it wet, this avoids rusting which is what PR is afraid of). 

Posted : 06/08/2019 5:32 pm
wes.p, bobstro and -- liked
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Need help diagnosing printing issue

Thank you for the reply Tim. As I mentioned, that is a brand new bed from Prusa. One of the treated ones (not smooth). I tried the cleaning portion with the original steel sheet before buying this new one in case that was the issue. I just flipped it over to the untouched and unused side, gave it a quick wipe down and it didn't change how the print is behaving.

Posted : 06/08/2019 5:47 pm
RE: Need help diagnosing printing issue
Posted by: todd.h15

Thank you for the reply Tim. As I mentioned, that is a brand new bed from Prusa. One of the treated ones (not smooth). I tried the cleaning portion with the original steel sheet before buying this new one in case that was the issue. I just flipped it over to the untouched and unused side, gave it a quick wipe down and it didn't change how the print is behaving.

cleaned how/with what? 99% of bed adhesion problems are due to incorrect/insufficient cleaning. 


Posted : 06/08/2019 7:00 pm
-- liked
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Need help diagnosing printing issue
Posted by: vintagepc
Posted by: todd.h15

Thank you for the reply Tim. As I mentioned, that is a brand new bed from Prusa. One of the treated ones (not smooth). I tried the cleaning portion with the original steel sheet before buying this new one in case that was the issue. I just flipped it over to the untouched and unused side, gave it a quick wipe down and it didn't change how the print is behaving.

cleaned how/with what? 99% of bed adhesion problems are due to incorrect/insufficient cleaning. 


Soap and water. Plus the fact the initial use was fresh out of the packaging and seal since it was brand new. This does not appear to just be a "bed not clean enough" issue. Does anyone else have additional ideas? I would like to here more at the possibility or issues that could arise from using the older filament that was lying around for a while.

Posted : 06/08/2019 7:39 pm
Illustrious Member
RE: Need help diagnosing printing issue

gave it a quick wipe down and it didn't change how the print is behaving

A quick wipe down is worth exactly what it does: spread oils and grease more evenly around the sheet.


ps: @vintagepc - I didn't know your name was also Tim.  Soon there will be too many of us.

This post was modified 6 years ago by --
Posted : 06/08/2019 8:23 pm
RE: Need help diagnosing printing issue
Posted by: Tim

gave it a quick wipe down and it didn't change how the print is behaving

A quick wipe down is worth exactly what it does: spread oils and grease more evenly around the sheet.


ps: @vintagepc - I didn't know your name was also Tim.  Soon there will be too many of us.

Yeah, I'm guessing I should go get my drivers license updated from that clearly incorrect name my parents gave me... 😆 


I don't think this is the first time I've been called Tim here either...

Posted : 06/08/2019 8:28 pm
-- liked
Illustrious Member
RE: Need help diagnosing printing issue
Posted by: vintagepc
Posted by: Tim

gave it a quick wipe down and it didn't change how the print is behaving

A quick wipe down is worth exactly what it does: spread oils and grease more evenly around the sheet.


ps: @vintagepc - I didn't know your name was also Tim.  Soon there will be too many of us.

Yeah, I'm guessing I should go get my drivers license updated from that clearly incorrect name my parents gave me... 😆 


I don't think this is the first time I've been called Tim here either...

There are worse that people could use ... lol.  

Posted : 06/08/2019 8:32 pm
Illustrious Member
RE: Need help diagnosing printing issue
Posted by: Tim

There are worse that people could use ... lol.  

When I moved companies a couple of years back, I was surprised there were 3 Bobs in my immediate group. The other guys have been renamed, oddly enough.

My notes and disclaimers on 3D printing

and miscellaneous other tech projects
He is intelligent, but not experienced. His pattern indicates two dimensional thinking. -- Spock in Star Trek: The Wrath of Khan

Posted : 06/08/2019 9:36 pm
RE: Need help diagnosing printing issue

If you left the filament out, stringing and poor adhesion can also be worsened by absorbed moisture.  

Chuck H
3D Printer Review Blog

Posted : 07/08/2019 3:06 am
New Member
RE: Need help diagnosing printing issue

Had similar problems with first layer not sticking to the bed.

I use now acetone to do a deep clean, and Iso alcohol after each print.

The non sticking problems went away.


Good luck

Posted : 13/08/2019 5:36 pm
Dave Avery
Honorable Member
RE: Need help diagnosing printing issue

the last smooth sheet I got from Prusa definitely had some sort of thin shiny residue on the surface that i easily washed off before use.

Posted : 13/08/2019 6:37 pm
Dave Avery
Honorable Member
RE: Need help diagnosing printing issue

prusa warns NOT to use acetone on the PC ( textured) sheets, it will weaken the bond of the texture to the base steel sheet. the also warn about using water but general opinion here is a quick hand wash with plain dish detergent and water and am immediate dry  appears to be safe and does an excellent job of removing finger oils from the sheets

Posted : 13/08/2019 6:50 pm
Reputable Member
RE: Need help diagnosing printing issue


I could not tell from your post, so apologies in advance, but did you originally use a PC sheet back in Dec 2018 or was it a PEI sheet?  You said you have a new PC sheet and are having adhesion problems, so I just wanted to be sure you  knew to readjust the live Z between PEI and PC sheets a decent amount ( like 0.500 in most cases).  It probably is not that, but wanted to point it out just in case.

If so, then cleaning the sheet with dawn dish soap and water to remove contaminants as suggested above is #1 and then drying the filament is #2.  You can tell if the filament needs drying if you extrude like 100MM with the extruder in the air and look for the filament expanding as it is extruded with bubbles and crackling and popping.

Do not use acetone on the PC sheet.

Strange women, laying in ponds, distributing swords, is hardly a basis for a system of governance!

Posted : 14/08/2019 12:07 am