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Mystery issue printing concentric circles  

Mystery issue printing concentric circles


Running into an issue I can't solve. When trying to print a fidget toy composed of concentric rings, my lower (but not first, as far as I can tell!) layers are bleeding into each other. This issue has happened over the course of 3-4 prints (exactly the same each time). Troubleshooting steps I have tried include: drying the filament, ensuring the printing surface is completely clean and dry, lowering the print speed, and checking the belt tension (it was fine).

As far as I can tell, it's not the first layer that is affected, but seemingly (roughly) layers 2-10, that are "jumping" and sticking to their neighbors sometimes. Crucially, this is only happening on these lower layers - if I spin the rings (it takes low force to pull apart the strings connecting), I can inspect the model and confirm that 98% of the layers printed separately as intended.

I have printed this object successfully in the past, and printed other objects more recently with seemingly no issues (including a recent object with a circular base that was perfect). I did delete the outermost ring from this design for my current print, though I don't see how that would be an issue.

Any ideas?

Posted : 12/01/2024 2:50 am
Illustrious Member
RE: Mystery issue printing concentric circles

Would need your saved project file from PS to properly diagnose as there can be several causes or fixes (as there usually are with 3d print issues).

However as a first guess from the pics those look like perimeters that aren't sticking to the ones below as they are on a slope and so are overhang perimeters.  Common fixes for things like that are a) print those perimeters slower b) increase filament temp to get better adhesion. 

Need the full picture to tell further though.

Posted : 12/01/2024 7:47 am
Noble Member
RE: Mystery issue printing concentric circles

I would assume it is the same issue I can see with my Voron 2.4 printing ABS at elevated enlcosure temperatures (60°C). On the inside perimeter curves on overhangs, the outher perimeter takes on some positions these short cuts but only on the very first few layers. I attribute that to the added heat from the heated bed. 

What seemed to help is increasing cooling from the 2nd layer onwards to maybe 1 mm, reducing elephant compensation, printing the outer perimeters of the first few layers very slow. 

Maybe I am mistaken but I have the impression the issue is not enough cooling due to the heated bed vicinity rather than not enough filament temp but I may be mistaken.

Mk3s MMU2s, Voron 0.1, Voron 2.4

Posted : 12/01/2024 8:35 am
Illustrious Member
RE: Mystery issue printing concentric circles

Well we don't know what material the OP is using, hence the request for a saved project so we could see all the settings and have access to the slice previews. 

However the fact that they mention removing an outer ring from the design could be contributing.  The outer ring would in effect have acted like a draft shield for the inner parts.  That would potentially mean that area was cooler, so maybe a slightly higher temp.

Posted : 12/01/2024 11:12 am
Topic starter answered:
RE: Mystery issue printing concentric circles

Attached is the file - printing PLA.

Posted : 12/01/2024 2:28 pm