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MK3S IR sensor always reads 1  

New Member
MK3S IR sensor always reads 1

I know the sensor works as I tested with a paper, magnets installed correctly. I understand how it always reads 1 as it looks the "notch" on the flap piece remains in the center of the IR sensor. Does the steel ball need to be directly under the filament hole when looking from the top? Don't think so. Perhaps it doesn't get pushed all the wall to the rightmost wall?

The ball seems to push the lever correctly when I insert filament. I really don't know what's going on here.

I did not complete the complete calibration. Stopped right before the loading of the filament for the first layer calibration. Could this have something to do with it? Thoughts here?

Posted : 14/03/2019 7:24 pm
Illustrious Member
Re: MK3S IR sensor always reads 1

People are reporting fitment issues, where the lever jams due to too tight a screw, or wiggles enough it hits the sensor and jams, etc. One case I've read the guy had to release the extrusion case screws to free up movement. Another had issues from the IR sensor being at an angle when inserted into the ECB. So lots of places to look for a stuck sensor.

Posted : 14/03/2019 8:43 pm
New Member
Topic starter answered:
Re: MK3S IR sensor always reads 1

People are reporting fitment issues, where the lever jams due to too tight a screw, or wiggles enough it hits the sensor and jams, etc. One case I've read the guy had to release the extrusion case screws to free up movement. Another had issues from the IR sensor being at an angle when inserted into the ECB. So lots of places to look for a stuck sensor.

Thanks for the reply ended up being flashing on the lever piece (notch that travels between the sensor) took a file to it.

Posted : 14/03/2019 9:01 pm