Mk3 Nozzle leaks after print begins
Before I begin I did do some research prior but I couldn't find anything similar to my situation...
I had several successful prints when I had the idea to try a Carbon Fiber filament which didn't go very well and I had a bit of difficulty getting out the filament since it was stuck. I ended up heating the extruder hotter and finally was able to get it out but since then I tried to print again with standard PLA like I was doing and the print begins fine but then strings start occurring (see pic).
Any idea on how to resolve this problem?
Re: Mk3 Nozzle leaks after print begins
Try printing a test cube and post a photo.
Re: Mk3 Nozzle leaks after print begins
if you have an extra nozzle, maybe pop it in.
or did your PTFE tube get over heated or moved?
I have a Prusa,therefore I research.
Re: Mk3 Nozzle leaks after print begins
It looks like those times a part has multiple "legs" and one leg fails to adhere; this leaves a segment of extrusion on the nozzle that gets transported to the other leg. And you end up with a christmas tree effect.
Could be a bad slice, or odd extruder issue like retracting too far and not fully recovering the next layer... a print setting gone wrong.
It's why I suggested printing a simple test cube.