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MK3 layers adhesive problem  

Active Member
MK3 layers adhesive problem

Having problems with layer adhesion on my new MK3 on both PLA and PETG

using latest firmware and Prusa Slicer updates with default Slicer PLA and PETG settings

very easy to separate layers but overall print looks good, tried different filament spools with same results

I have a 2 year old MK2 and it prints with the same filament with no issues

I am stumped

Posted : 28/12/2018 2:51 am
Reputable Member
Re: MK3 layers adhesive problem

Look at the settings you are using on the MK2 for layer height and extruder temperature. Are they the same on the MK3? If not, copy what works. If the settings are the same, perhaps there's a problem with the way the thermistor for the hot end on the MK3 is mounted, or perhaps it's out of calibration for some reason. In that case, try increasing the extruder temperature by about 10 degrees. Also, check your fan settings; if the print fan is too high or too low it might cause some problems (although low fan speed for PETG is only a problem when trying to print something very small like the smokestack on Benchy).

Posted : 28/12/2018 3:15 am