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Live Z, can't get a perfect even surface  

Stránka 2 / 2
Reputable Member
Re: Live Z, can't get a perfect even surface

I just measured the bed spacers @ 6mm OD. Would 6mm ID compression springs work for this application ❓

bed spacers are 6x6x3t.

Theoretical any spring will do if they are 3 ID or larger. With larger ID is hard to place a spring on center with the screw but maybe it won't do any difference with the flat spring. Normal springs can bend and that can be a problem. More OD = More surface, so the ideal would be 3 ID and 6 or larger OD up to 10 or 15 OD.
As height i think i will experiment with 15mm and go for (6mm x 3mm x 15mm Size (OD*ID*L)

I'm sorry; I should have been clearer. My thinking was to put 6mm ID springs around the spacers, contacting the bed & Y-frame directly, rather than stacking springs on top of the spacers. I thought that might be a more stable arrangement, but I could be wrong.

As it turns out, I'm having about as much trouble finding a source for the right sized compression springs (which I thought might be easier) as for the Wave/Multiwave Springs... 🙁

Considering the minute adjustments involved, might not plain old split lock washers work? I dunno--just spitballin'... 😉

That's "MISTER Old Fart" to you!

Napsal : 13/07/2018 10:12 pm
Reputable Member
Re: Live Z, can't get a perfect even surface

Considering the minute adjustments involved, might not plain old split lock washers work? I dunno--just spitballin'... 😉

Forget I said that... Not enough "oomph" in lock washers... 😳

That's "MISTER Old Fart" to you!

Napsal : 13/07/2018 10:18 pm
Reputable Member
Topic starter answered:
Re: Live Z, can't get a perfect even surface

ID 6 should work, it will deppend on how accurate are the springs and spacers. ID 7 would not hurt and is trouble free. If spring height when compressed is higher than 6mm the spacers are useless there.
High or medium compress springs shall not need stack or spacers

Napsal : 14/07/2018 12:03 am
Reputable Member
Topic starter answered:
Re: Live Z, can't get a perfect even surface

Napsal : 07/08/2018 9:31 pm
Stránka 2 / 2