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Issues with Nozzel blockage  

Active Member
Issues with Nozzel blockage

Have had my mk3 for over 6 months printing like a pro in the last month its stopped printing right.

I now get constant clogs usually after first layer print or during. 

The printer comes up with a message to remove the filament i do so and reload it works then goes to start printing and stops again.

I have tried new filament,

I have tried different spooler

I Have tried adjusting the idle screws everything is lined up and all looks good load new filament and it goes straight in and works as should

Then prints fist layer then goes wrong at wit's end help, please. 

Posted : 20/08/2019 3:22 pm
Illustrious Member
RE: Issues with Nozzel blockage

I don't see COLD PULL in the list of things you've tried.  That's what I do whenever I have a partial clog.

Second thing to try is to raise the nozzle well off the bed, heat it to 275c, then manually extrude a hundred mm of plastic.  Cleaner filament is also a good idea for this.

and a ps: post a photo of the failing print.  Pictures are worth their weight for diagnostics.

This post was modified 6 years ago by --
Posted : 20/08/2019 6:20 pm