I'm having a wired problem when I print (See Picture)
I am getting extra stuff in my last prints that I can't explain why I have it!
Since it is hard to describe, I have attached some pictures.
Looking to hear your thoughts on this.
I am printing with PLA heat 210* bed 60*
RE: I'm having a wired problem when I print (See Picture)
Have you changed the nozzle recently, this looks like leakage from the heater block because the Heat break and the nozzle are not screwed firmly together
in the diagram above, the arrow pointing to the melt zone, also points to where the heatbreak and nozzle should be tightened together...
this picture may help even though it's a different type of extruder. the heatbreak and nozzle should still be tightened together
regards Joan
I try to make safe suggestions,You should understand the context and ensure you are happy that they are safe before attempting to apply my suggestions, what you do, is YOUR responsibility. Location Halifax UK
RE: I'm having a wired problem when I print (See Picture)
Thank you for the detailed and fast response.
I took my time to disassemble the unit. And I found exactly what you have said.
I am not sure what are the causes, but I suspect one of those:
- using a PLA recycled filament. I got one! Thinking I will be saving since I am still learning and prototyping, and I didn't want t waste a good filament!
- the Prusa OEM V6 heartbreak is not the best and since it is has a small size increased to combat the changing coloring feature. I got this info from watching the 3D Printing Nerd Youtube channel. named "NO MORE JAMS on the Prusa i3 mk3 3D Printer!"
I took the liberty and ordered a new hearbreak (Titanium V6 hearbreak V2.3 by 3D passion (1.75mm, All-Metal, Our in-House New Design), 2-Pack. Brand: 3D Passion) from Amazon. Also, I add the E3D V6 Socks Pro.
Finally, after these changes, I printed again:
- I did the first layer testing, and it wasn't good! I had some issues with the squire's ends! See the picture.
- I printed a 3D Benchy, and I don't think it turned about good too. See pictures.
Now, I suspect the issue is one or both of:
- I need to change the nozzle to a new one. I think it damaged
- PLA recycle filament I am using is really sick, and I need to change it.
Any tips or feedback is appreciated.
The last question is there a good way to Annelies the first layer issues or the 3D Benchy test. Like guideline or keypoint explaining what to do if you see this or that!