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How do I adjust the tension of the extruder idler screw?  

Rick Lohr
Trusted Member
How do I adjust the tension of the extruder idler screw?

How do I adjust the tension of the extruder idler screw?  Is there a calibration procedure or is the tension not critical?

Best Answer by sylviatrilling:

Hmm. I went the the Knowledge Base and searched on 'idler screw' and it came right up.

Posted : 15/01/2022 2:36 pm
Honorable Member
RE: How do I adjust the tension of the extruder idler screw?

For these kinds of questions, you can go to the knowledge base and use search.

The idler screw tension affects the smooth operation of pulling the filament down into the extruder. If it is too tight you can get grinding on the filament.


Posted : 15/01/2022 2:44 pm
Rick Lohr
Trusted Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: How do I adjust the tension of the extruder idler screw?

Thanks.  That's a great resource but I can't find it.

Posted : 15/01/2022 4:14 pm
Honorable Member
RE: How do I adjust the tension of the extruder idler screw?

Hmm. I went the the Knowledge Base and searched on 'idler screw' and it came right up.


Posted : 15/01/2022 4:31 pm
Rick Lohr
Trusted Member
Topic starter answered:


Posted by: @sylviatrilling

Hmm. I went the the Knowledge Base and searched on 'idler screw' and it came right up.

OK, I searched for "How do I adjust the tension of the extruder idler screw".  Different search engines treat things differently.  Your search worked perfectly.  Thanks.

Here is the link and what it says in case anyone else needs it:

Prusa Knowledge Base | Idler screw tension (

The idler screw should be about flush to protruding 0.5 -1 mm with the plastic part when the filament is not loaded.

Basically, the adjustment done during assembly is all that's required.  There is nothing more complicated to be done.



This post was modified 3 years ago by Rick Lohr
Posted : 15/01/2022 6:39 pm
Noble Member
RE: How do I adjust the tension of the extruder idler screw?

Idler tension is at 0:52 :

Posted : 15/01/2022 6:47 pm
Rick Lohr
Trusted Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: How do I adjust the tension of the extruder idler screw?

OK, thanks, that's more what I was expecting.  It didn't work out quite like it was explained though.  When I just barely screw it into the nut, it already starts extruding.  I was not comfortable leaving it on just the end threads so I turned it in a bit further.  It's now just barely through the thread portion of the nut but not beyond.  This does leave the head protruding but less than 1 mm matching the Prusa directions.  This is at least a mm out from where I had it prior to calibration (with the filament loaded).  Wondering how this will affect my prints.

Posted : 15/01/2022 7:26 pm
Honorable Member
RE: How do I adjust the tension of the extruder idler screw?


Posted by: @rick-lohr

  Wondering how this will affect my prints.

If your filament is extruding and not grinding, then you're good to go.  That video gives you an excellent functional test. 

I suggest you relax. Take a step back. Let yourself get familiar with your printer and let it settle in for a couple of weeks before tackling fine tuning or advanced calibration. Print a bunch of stuff and let the prints not be perfect. This is supposed to be FUN, yes?



Posted : 15/01/2022 8:10 pm
Rick Lohr
Trusted Member
Topic starter answered:


Posted by: @sylviatrilling


Posted by: @rick-lohr

  Wondering how this will affect my prints.

If your filament is extruding and not grinding, then you're good to go.  That video gives you an excellent functional test. 

I suggest you relax. Take a step back. Let yourself get familiar with your printer and let it settle in for a couple of weeks before tackling fine tuning or advanced calibration. Print a bunch of stuff and let the prints not be perfect. This is supposed to be FUN, yes?


I appreciate your support and concern for my wellbeing but being text with no emotion content you are missing my actual feelings here.  I'm an engineer so I am having an absolute blast calibrating this thing.  Having something to make better is what makes me happy. 

I just did the following:

1) Adjusted the idler screw

2) Readjusted my Y pulley to center the belt (actually turned the pully around to better center)

3) Readjusted my X pulley to center the belt

4) I'm printing the ECOR tower as we speak to do the Extruder Linearity calibration

Life is good!

Thanks for your help and I appreciate that you have been so attentive to my never ending question stream.


This post was modified 3 years ago by Rick Lohr
Posted : 15/01/2022 8:30 pm
Rick Lohr
Trusted Member
Topic starter answered:




At first glance looking at the obvious "/" lines toward the top, I was thinking I needed no correction.

Then, as I looked more closely at the pictures I notice the "\" lines towards the bottom.

Is the right answer off or possibly  1.07 to balance where the "/" and "\" are minimized?

This post was modified 3 years ago 3 times by Rick Lohr
Posted : 15/01/2022 9:47 pm