Forgive me if this has already been solved (issue with rounded prints)
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Forgive me if this has already been solved (issue with rounded prints)  

New Member
Forgive me if this has already been solved (issue with rounded prints)

So I don't even know what this error would be called, but when I print cylinders or a horn file I'm trying to print I get weird slipping/layering
Any ideas? I've tried a handful of things with no success.
The part that is facing up is actually the bottom, so it seems like when it's building out it can't stay consistent but then when it starts to form the top half it has no issues.

Posted : 27/07/2018 1:07 am
Honorable Member
Re: Forgive me if this has already been solved (issue with rounded prints)

that's a tough orientation to print in, and those artifacts look about right for layers printed onto supports as well as being on an overhang.

post your model and maybe we can come up with a better way to print it.

Posted : 29/07/2018 8:31 am