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First Run xyz calibration trouble  

New Member
First Run xyz calibration trouble


Thank you in advance for the assistance.

I just assembled my mk3 printer. With the 3.1.3 firmware that came with the printer, I can't get past the xyz calibration. It moves around near 0,0 for a while (calibration point 1 of 4), then 250, 0 for a while (calibration point 2 of 4). It then moves to 250, 200 (calibration point 3 of 4). Next it moves to 0,200 (calibration point 4 of 4). Then it moves to 125,0 and starts calibration point 1 of 4 again. Then 125,200 for calibration point 2 of 4. Then it crashes for 3 of 4.

I updated the firmware to 3.2.0 RC2. I could get through the calibration, however ever print fails. It gets through 20 layers or so, then moves from the center (125,100) to (200,100) and prints randomly. Then crashes.

I'm not sure what to do next.

Any help is welcome. Thanks!


Posted : 07/05/2018 3:09 am
Honorable Member
Re: First Run xyz calibration trouble

if the nozzle is crashing into bed you need to double check your probe clearance (check your handbook for a visual), turn off the filament sensor, crash detection, and start all the way back at self-test.

Posted : 07/05/2018 7:52 am
New Member
Topic starter answered:
Re: First Run xyz calibration trouble

The nozzle doesn't hit the bed.

What I am trying to describe is the bed moves through the 4 calibration locations. After that it seems to think the home which is normally 0,0 is now 100,0. It then trys to calibrate with the 4 calibration locations. However the bed crashes when it trys to move 200 mm from 100,0.

Posted : 07/05/2018 11:35 pm
New Member
Topic starter answered:
Re: First Run xyz calibration trouble

I just noticed something. In the statistics it shows 52 crashes on the Y axis. I think that all of my problems are tied to y axis crashing. What could cause the y axis to detect a crash?

Posted : 08/05/2018 1:55 am
Reputable Member
Re: First Run xyz calibration trouble

Binding would be my guess... the motor is trying to work too hard. Check for obstructions, bearing failure, out-of-alignment, etc.

Posted : 08/05/2018 2:10 am
New Member
Topic starter answered:
Re: First Run xyz calibration trouble

I took the belt off and the bed moves very smoothly. I then realized that the pulley on the motor looked tight. it was ok when I first assembled, but it seems like the axle shifted after assembly. I moved the pulley and everything seems to be OK.

Thanks for the help!!

Posted : 08/05/2018 3:58 am
Eminent Member
Re: First Run xyz calibration trouble

I'm having bed calibration issues with my newly assembled MK3 as well. When you say the pulley was "tight" do you mean that it was up against the motor? so, loosening and sliding it further out on the axle is what fixed it for you?

Just trying to figure out what else I can adjust. the initial self-check completes fine, but when it moves on to finding the calibration points, I've had various failures to find the points.

The best I had was 11 out of 12, when it failed on the 3rd iteration of finding the back left calibration point. That was on 3.1.x (came with the printer).

I upgraded to 3.2.0, and it can't get past the first calibration point, first run. I've reset the PINDA to be the height of the middle of the zip tie, but no dice.

Posted : 17/05/2018 5:54 pm
Eminent Member
Re: First Run xyz calibration trouble

Got it. I had the exact same issue. The pulley for the bed stepper was right up against the motor housing. I was suspecting that might be a contributor since when the steppers were disengaged, it still took much more effort to slide the bed back and forth. I re-positioned the pulley out a bit from the housing and after that, the bed moved much more freely and all calibration points were found.


Posted : 19/05/2018 12:51 am