First Print Stuck in Loop
Hi! I just finished assembling my printer and after passing all the initial setup and calibrations and getting a good first print layer calibration, but when I go to print from the SD card, the Printer seems to get stuck in a loop of asking me to first unload any filament, and then to load the filament. I currently not able to print anything, and I do not know why it is getting caught in this loop. I've tried running through the setup process again and keep cleaning the nozzle, but I still cannot get it to work. If anyone has any advice on how I can fix this it would be great!
RE: First Print Stuck in Loop
Hi! I just finished assembling my printer and after passing all the initial setup and calibrations and getting a good first print layer calibration, but when I go to print from the SD card, the Printer seems to get stuck in a loop of asking me to first unload any filament, and then to load the filament. I currently not able to print anything, and I do not know why it is getting caught in this loop. I've tried running through the setup process again and keep cleaning the nozzle, but I still cannot get it to work. If anyone has any advice on how I can fix this it would be great!
First, simply deactivate the filamentsensor in LCD settings menu and try again. I think you have a problem with an incorrectly adjusted sensor.
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