First layer suddenly having problems?
I've been printing quite well on my new MK3.
Suddenly I'm getting bad results, can't get the first layer to adhere with PLA.
I recalibrated everything. Here's the results of my first layer calibration and the bad first layer results i'm getting.
Any advice appreciated!
Re: First layer suddenly having problems?
Images aren't visible.
Do you use the PEI sheet? Cleaned it with alcohol or rejuvenate it with acetone?
I'm a newly but this is the first thing that comes to mind. Hope it helps.
Re: First layer suddenly having problems?
I'm having similar issues, to the point that the machine has gone from great prints to completely unusable in four weeks flat, and now I simply cannot put down a successful first layer no matter what.
Sorry if this is not a solution, but do you mind telling us what support have said about your problems?
It's not a cleaning issue, as far as I can tell. I've used 99% isopropyl alcohol on mine, as well as acetone, and no luck... 😥
Your pics aren't showing. Are they anything like mine?