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first layer "punctured"  

Active Member
first layer "punctured"

I got the MK3 since a day now and my first layer seems to be punctured. On the second layer the printer rips it all off.
Using the PLA which was in the box and the standard settings in the Slic3r "0.15mm OPTIMAL MK3".

What can I do?

Edit: I gave it another shot, this time it didnt get ripped off. I've had some prints ripped off and some not, but I cant tell why. I dont seem to be able to upload any more pictures, here is a dropboxlink to the picture of the print which stuck to the bed: ?dl=0

Posted : 24/06/2018 8:38 am
Veteran Member Moderator
Re: first layer "punctured"

Hi Laurin,

can you wash your build plate with dish washing detergent, rinse well, and dry with a paper towel then try again.

your live Z is perhaps a little off ideal, but should have stuck well.

do not touch the working surface of the build plate after washing it.

if you get themodel to stick this time, let us see the underside of the bottom layer, so that we can see how good your live Z setting is.

best wishes, Joan

I try to make safe suggestions,You should understand the context and ensure you are happy that they are safe before attempting to apply my suggestions, what you do, is YOUR responsibility. Location Halifax UK

Posted : 24/06/2018 11:57 am
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
Re: first layer "punctured"

Hi Joan,
thanks for you fast reply! I think I underestimated the importance of a clear printing surface. I'll get some Isoprop tomorrow. Cleaned it like you told me to and only touched the corners 🙂
After my failure I reprinted the same piece with the same settings twice again and they turned out well, I took a photo from the bottom surface.

Than I tried to print something more difficult and the printer ripped it off the surface, see the first picture.
I'll retry that print with a super clean surface as soon as the other print for you to inspect the bottom layer with a clean bed and come back to report in ~30 minutes.

Cheers & thanks so far,

Posted : 24/06/2018 1:06 pm
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
Re: first layer "punctured"

This is a print with a 100% clean surface: ?dl=0

Posted : 24/06/2018 1:45 pm