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First Layer Issues  

Active Member
First Layer Issues

First layer is printing great but then after a while it starts to look bad.  Anyone have any ideas on whats going on or any recommendations?  I checked the nozzle and it was clean with no PLA blobbed on it.  PIC attached!!

Posted : 28/10/2019 5:35 pm
Dave Avery
Honorable Member
RE: First Layer Issues

dirty bed?

try a soap and water wash

plain dish soap ( dawn/fairy) and clean paper towels

Posted : 28/10/2019 8:03 pm
Richard liked
Illustrious Member
RE: First Layer Issues

Layer 1 or Live-Z is off; looks too high.  The bed also looks very uneven front to back - like there is an assembly problem or the mesh level is not working or the bed calibration offsets are wrong.

Your bed is incredibly dirty; it really needs a soap and water wash at a sink, with gallons of hot water rinse.

And that extruder fan grill is causing you problems. It limits X-axis range and interferes with homing and calibration, not to mentions reduces airflow in the one place it is essential to maintain the best you can get.


This post was modified 5 years ago by --
Posted : 28/10/2019 11:13 pm
Richard liked