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First 3 mm Shifting and then fine  

New Member
First 3 mm Shifting and then fine

Hi there,

I am new to the 3D printing and have been able to tackle the challanges which came up so far.
The Current Challange seems to be more annoying. I am working on it since days and it stuffs up the progress of my progress.

I am currently printing a chess game and the first parts came out very nice. I attached a picture of the pawn. And the iterations I did.

It all started when I printed 15 of them at once. (see pic #2)

Since then I am adjusting the belt, calibrating and adjusting again.

The question that I have is what the origin of this quality issue could be?
Also are there any numbers available for the belt tension? Like deflection for certain force/weight?[attachment=1]20181213_073703[1].jpg[/attachment]

Posted : 13/12/2018 3:02 am
Bunny Science
Noble Member
Re: First 3 mm Shifting and then fine

I'm assuming your plate picture is oriented same as viewing from front of printer.

This is a y-axis shift. In order of most likely issue...

1. Y motor pulley is loose on motor shaft. Verify that one grub screw is perpendicularly engaging the flat portion of the shaft, not slightly rotated.

2. Y belt is too loose. Set Y-belt tension with Y-carriage all the way back. LOOSEN the belt so there is slack. Hold a pencil on end with thumb and finger. Use the other end of the pencil to depress the belt. The long lever arm of the pencil lets you easily feel when depressing the belt changes from taking up the slack to starting to stretch the belt. You'll notice the force needed increase as you reach that degree of depression. Adjust belt tension to make that happen at 0.25 to 0.2 inches mid-span depression. That sets the belt tight enough, but not too tight.

3. Y carriage is badly out of alignment and creating drag. Check with y-belt disconnected from carriage. Motion should be without any binding across entire range of motion. If there is binding, work through the usual suspects (correct rod/bearing alignment, u-bolts at just 90 degrees beyond touch torque, lubricate bearings) You'll need to reattach and tension the y-belt after getting the y-carriage corrected.

4. Some wiring below carriage is getting caught.

Posted : 13/12/2018 8:11 am
New Member
Topic starter answered:
Re: First 3 mm Shifting and then fine

Hi There,

Problem is solved... it was none of the above 🙂

The root cause was a missing rubber support which was lost during the last transport.

The missing rubber was on the rear left corner.



Posted : 18/12/2018 4:00 am