Filament won't load
Hello all, I just finished up my new mk3s kit, and everything was going great. Self check ran perfect. Started calibration and got to the step where it wants to load filament and nothing. I have cut the tip at about 45 degrees and inserted it in the marked hole, but the extruder motor never engages. I took the cover off and verified that the it sensor is installed correctly and the plug is connected correctly. When I tried to verify if the motor was functional, I used the unload function from the menu and heard the motor briefly engage, so I think it is good. Does anyone have any other ideas? Thanks in advance everyone!
So after some more tinkering, I have determined that the problem is in the magnet switch/ball assembly. When the ir sensor is inserted, it forces the magnet switch over, which forces the ball over, which blocks the filament from being inserted far enough. The switch is pushing apart (not squeezing together) and the ball can move freely (when the ir sensor is out, filament is easy to get in). So what have I done wrong here?
Did you install your idler with the spring?
Chuck H
3D Printer Review Blog
Idler with spring
Yes. I set the depth of the screw just about even with the surface. I'll try adjusting that when I get home and report back.
I would contact prusa support by chat on the eshop
Chuck H
3D Printer Review Blog
Is it just a tight fit?
On my new MK3s+, feeding and removing filament is a little bit tight. I find I have to push the filament down into the hole, not just introduce it to the entrance to the hole. Until the filament contacts the grooves on the bondtech gear(s) it won't feed. You can also observe if the gears are turning through the little door.
One problem I did have on a reassembly was that the gears did not line up. I had to tinker with them to line them up.
Chuck H
3D Printer Review Blog
Final update.
So I never heard back from support (I emailed but couldn't get live chat to work on my phone). Thanks to those who offered assistance here. I disassembled the extruder and checked everything. I found that the "blade" at the top of the arm with the magnet in it was printed too wide to fit in the recess of the sensor. So when the ir sensor was screwed in the arm was blocked in the open position, not allowing the ball to move, and thus not allowing filament to pass. I gently sanded both side of the blade and fiddled with loosening the screw to allow some forward or backward movement of the arm. I also sanded the leading edges of the "blade" to promote it sliding into the sensor path rather than sticking. Everything is working great now and my first large print is rolling along nicely!