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Chasing adhesion issues and question about z calibration  

Active Member
Chasing adhesion issues and question about z calibration

Good morning,

Two things I wanted to discuss

So I'm having some issues with printing my benchy, it keeps coming off the sheet at the top of the wheel house.

I'm currently using the textured sheet, and have ready a little about how it can be finicky, and the provided PLA.

I've tried-

1. Calibrating Z (picture of my latest first layer test attached below, and more questions on that in the second part)

2. Cleaning with isopropyl alch

3. Changing the ambient temperature (it's almost winter here so the house can get a little cold)

4. Cranking up the bed heat

5. Slowing the prints in the first stages

When I get home today I will be washing the plate with dawn and then I'll try it again to see if that helps. I'm not entirely sure whether my calibration is good or not, or if there's something I'm missing.

My second concern is in regards to my z-calibration. I'm currently sitting at -1.7, which seems to be an extreme compared to most. What would I adjust to try and lower that number?



Posted : 08/11/2021 1:06 pm
Honorable Member
RE: Chasing adhesion issues and question about z calibration

Your first layer seems to be ok. So, only usual advice for the print to stick:
-Use default settings
-Textured sheet is meant for PETG (use smooth sheet for PLA)
-clean print sheet with soap and finally wash with a lot of hot water
-avoid fingerprints!

You don't need to wash the sheet for every print (use IPA between prints). I think room temperature above 20°C is just fine.
Print must and does stick.

[Mini+] [MK3S+BEAR]

Posted : 08/11/2021 1:29 pm
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Chasing adhesion issues and question about z calibration

Gotcha, thanks!

I liked the texture look for the finish, but I'll swap over to the smooth sheet and try again.

Do I need to recalibrate when I move between those two sheets?

Posted : 08/11/2021 1:43 pm
Illustrious Member
RE: Chasing adhesion issues and question about z calibration

Every sheet needs its own live z adjustment.  Thats why the printer allows you to store and recall several.  Or you can just write it on the sheet.

Theres quite a bit of difference between smooth and textured sheets usually.  The textured work out a bit thinner on average so you may find that your 1.7 will be less with a smooth sheet.  

Also if you want to lower that number then you will need to adjust the position of your pinda sensor further from the sheet by however much you want to lower the value of the offset.  So at the moment with your 1.7 if you wanted it 1.5 then you would need to move the sensor 0.2 further away.  Zero is the distance at which it detects the metal of the sheet.  To reach the sheet you have moved it 1.7 down as an offset, so when its moved away then the nozzle will be closer to the sheet at the detection point.  Just dont over do it and you will need to do the z calibration again.

Posted : 08/11/2021 1:52 pm
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Chasing adhesion issues and question about z calibration

That makes sense,

Awesome, thanks! I'll have a let to go through today to dial it in.

Posted : 08/11/2021 1:57 pm