Calibrating Z won't go up!
hi i just finished to assembling my prusa MK3. I try to passthrough the calibration but i got a problem. First all the selftest is OK. When the X-axis have to go up to touch the top of the Z-axis, the motor made a noise but dont move up. Another try for XYZ calibration, the printer calibrate the auto home, after the printer try to calibrate de Z axis, the cart start to go up but stop on 1/3 of the high. When the head go down to touch the bed the printer give me this error: Calibration failed! Check the axes and run again. i upload a video of my try on youtube i will link it when its done.
Re: Calibrating Z won't go up!
If you turn off the printer, can you move z up by rotating the lead screws? Check if one or both of the z screw covers are too tight and not let the z motor rotate. See step 3 of
Re: Calibrating Z won't go up!
For me that error message meant that the Z rods were not sufficiently vertical or perhaps parallel. Eventually, I switched off, rotated the lead screws until the nozzle was down to the bed, and then loosened the z motor holders, and lightly tightened them. I loosened the screws holding the top plastic pieces slightly and ran the x carriage up to the top and then tightened all of the screws. You can see all the messages in my thread called calibration failure.
Retired doc, should have been an engineer.
Re: Calibrating Z won't go up!
i follow your advice to unscrew and reset the Z axis core thread and its wordking! thanks 🙂 . I have calibrate the 4 points and the first layer print. Im already printing the prusa logo.
Re: Calibrating Z won't go up!
Hi - I've tried Henry's suggestion but sadly did not work. The Z axis right motor runs 1 second longer - trying to keep moving up. Both left and right rods are parallel to their corresponding trap lead screws. I thought maybe there was an obstruction on the right side - losening the screws - but no luck. Is there programming that specifys the trap lead screw lengths, or any other ideas? thx/rob
Re: Calibrating Z won't go up!
I have the same issue, it seems like something is too tight on the Z-axis right, only the left part moves/goes up, the right part doesn't seem to function properly. Any suggestions ?
Re: Calibrating Z won't go up!
When I had that, it was because the nut on the leadscrew that covers the motor was too close to the motor and was not letting z move on that side.
Re: Calibrating Z won't go up!
Thanks Gaston -- you suggestion worked. Now the z-calibration fails when the x-axis motor spudders...
Anyone with any thoughts? see video
Re: Calibrating Z won't go up!
No idea on that one. 🙁 I would contact Chat support and share your video while you wait for an answer here.
Re: Calibrating Z won't go up!
The natural process for z-calibration test is to:
1. Ascend to top
2. SPUTTER (normal)
3. Then decends, and begins bed point test.
It turned out that during the sputter point - i did not have a working PINDA probe.
I did not realize there is a red light inside.
After great customer support -- i was shipped a new probe -- just installed and passed entire wizard test, and multiple z-calibrations test 🙂
To Prusa Crew -- Great support! Please add PINDA probe test to routine, and PLEASE look into cable management 🙂 since when you need to replace OMG what a challenges 🙂