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Awful prints - what is the reason?  

Estimable Member
Awful prints - what is the reason?

The problem exists whether I print it with 247 or 232 degrees...



Posted : 28/07/2024 4:16 am
Famed Member
RE: Awful prints - what is the reason?

The first thing I would suspect is damp filament.

The stringing you see is often a symptom of just that.

I would try drying the filament (low temp ELECTRIC) oven, air fryer on 'Dehydrate', food dehydrator, or specialized filament dryer.

Then I would reset all temps and other parameters back to default, print something like a test cube, and see how it goes.

Posted : 28/07/2024 4:33 am
Estimable Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Awful prints - what is the reason?

Hi & thanks. 

I'm used to drying my filaments.

This filament came right out of the vacuum sealed package!? 

Any other idea?

Posted : 28/07/2024 6:17 am
Walter Layher
Noble Member
RE: Awful prints - what is the reason?

Many people assume if the filament comes fresh out of the sealed package that it is dry enough for printing. That is often not the case, especially for e.g. PETG.

Posted : 28/07/2024 7:25 am
jsw liked
Estimable Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Awful prints - what is the reason?

Thanks for clarification, man

Posted : 29/07/2024 10:07 am
Estimable Member
RE: Awful prints - what is the reason?

I print almost exclusively with PETG - PETG-CF and in my experience about 30% of the filaments that I don't dry before using gives me stringing and other issues. Even PLA can have this problem right out of the box.

Posted : 29/07/2024 1:47 pm
Estimable Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Awful prints - what is the reason?

Hello Walter again, 

The next two prints were superb. So now, after bout 20hrs the PETG-CF filament being on 'open' atmosphere I ran into such problems, again and again... 


The bed is cleaned well, temperatures are good and the 1st layer calib looks fine... 

But then, this. I really dunno what this problems are coming from. Is the filament damped again? 



Posted : 29/07/2024 10:22 pm
Walter Layher
Noble Member
RE: Awful prints - what is the reason?

This can depend on the humidity of your environment. 20 hours seems a bit fast, but if you can print directly from your dryer while it is running, that would be an option. I do this with Nylon-CF or PC-CF because those filaments are expensive and I want to print them at the best possible conditions to avoid waste.

Posted : 29/07/2024 11:13 pm