Adhesion or lifting issue in some places - first few layers
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Adhesion or lifting issue in some places - first few layers  

Trusted Member
Adhesion or lifting issue in some places - first few layers

Hi guys

Can anyone explain why this occurs? (see 3 pics) first few layers of bases - PRUSA MK3 - PLA settings - Is it an adhesion problem? I have been printing successfully with PLA without glue for almost a year. My Z-axis is calibrated. Notice how it is smooth in some places and looks like it is lifting in others. It is jagged and rough in some places. Thanks for you looking.

Posted : 29/05/2020 8:01 pm
Eminent Member
RE: Adhesion or lifting issue in some places - first few layers

Looks like you have:

  1. some ringing in either your x or y axis travel. 
    Check the smooth rods, linear bearings, and belts for the axis that is perpendicular to the wavy ringing lines and parallel to the hotend travel for the bottom fill.  You're looking for dirty or binding rods and bearings travel, and/or loose belts or pulleys, and/or debris in the belts.


  2. adhesion issues at some points of your first layer fill travel. 
    Check your print plate for hotend damage.
    Clean your print plate with isopropyl alcohol.
    Check the axis rods and bearings for the axis perpendicular to the hotend travel axis for the layer infill. You're looking for dirty rods and bearing issues


This post was modified 5 years ago by JPLau001
Posted : 30/05/2020 5:59 am
Active Member
RE: Adhesion or lifting issue in some places - first few layers

Jonathan's suggestions are good. I find I give the plate a good clean and then spray is lightly with spray contact adhesive. Makes the surface slightly tacky when heated and the prints stick really nice. 😉

Posted : 01/06/2020 11:32 am