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Not getting full X-axis travel mk2.5s  

Trusted Member
Not getting full X-axis travel mk2.5s

I'm not technically getting the full 250mm travel on my X-axis on my mk25.s.  I thought maybe I installed the X-axis endstop incorrectly at first but it looks fine and I suspect this is maybe intentional in the design and firmware on this new version...  If I run "autohome" in the calibration menu and then go to settings -> move axis and select the x axis, I get this interesting result when I check either end of the travel.  Moving the X-axis to the farthest right yields 250mm and no binding (the nozzle aligns with the edge of the bed).  If I however try to move it to the left all the way, I can only go as low as 6.1mm and the software won't let me go further (no binding and the nozzle has a lot of distance left before it reaches the edge of the bed).  Inspecting the clearance to the end switch shows it couldn't really move much further anyways unless it depresses that switch.  It basically looks like the 1st 6.1mm of the bed is unusable per the firmware and the way the endstop is designed.

Did we lose 6.1mm of our bed to the new extruder upgrade?  Can anyone else confirm?  I was thinking of modifying the endstop block but seeing as this looks to be firmware inhibited, that wouldn't help unless I also modify the firmware.  

Posted : 12/05/2019 4:15 am
Illustrious Member
RE: Not getting full X-axis travel mk2.5s

I don't own a 2.5, but on 3's the cable bundle out the back will collide with the EINSY case and frame if not properly wrapped and cable tied. This also results in X-Axis errors. 


Also seen folk install a non-stock 15x40x40 mm fan that takes away room - fan or screws hits the Z motor shafts.

This post was modified 6 years ago by --
Posted : 12/05/2019 5:42 am
Trusted Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Not getting full X-axis travel mk2.5s
Posted by: Tim

I don't own a 2.5, but on 3's the cable bundle out the back will collide with the EINSY case and frame if not properly wrapped and cable tied. This also results in X-Axis errors. 


Also seen folk install a non-stock 15x40x40 mm fan that takes away room - fan or screws hits the Z motor shafts.

I'm not getting any collisions with the cable or fan, there is still room for the extruder to move to the left except the endstop block on the extruder won't allow it, nor will the firmware.  You basically just can't use the first 6.1mm of travel, it won't let you. 

If I was hitting the endstop switch early because something was installed funky, you'd think that would be registered as the "zero" mm location to the printer.  It is not though, it hits the endstop switch and says that is 6mm on the display.  That is why I think it is part of the design and firmware.  Slic3r however doesn't know you can't use that first 6.1mm of bed so if you place objects in there and try to print, it gets all funky.  

Posted : 12/05/2019 5:55 am
Active Member
RE: Not getting full X-axis travel mk2.5s

Did you ever find what issue was with your 2.5? I have the same issue the endstop clicks and there's a big margin. I've must have gotten something wrong, everything else works fine, it's just this issue.

Posted : 15/12/2019 8:16 pm
Active Member
RE: Not getting full X-axis travel mk2.5s

I have this exact problem. Never had to use the full bed before, but now this ruined two 13h prints. Any solution yet? Seems to be fw bug to me.

Posted : 19/01/2020 4:50 pm
Trusted Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Not getting full X-axis travel mk2.5s


Yeah, I did.  If you have any skew in the frame, it deducts some of the x-travel from your total travel.  When you run the full XYZ cal, it creates that offset then.  If you go into the support menu on the printer, you can view the results of the XYZ cal and see if you have an offset in the X axis as a result.  

I readjusted my frame until I got the offset to nearly zero, re-ran XYZ cal and it went away.  I don't know if in some version of the firmware they added that it will deduct from you travel, but its there...  

Posted : 27/01/2020 5:46 am
Active Member
RE: Not getting full X-axis travel mk2.5s

I see the logic in this, problem is that I dont see anything that I could adjust much to move the bed sideways. MK2.5S. Maybe print new frame corner posts with the rod mounts more to the right? But that is a big change that should not be necessary.


Posted : 27/01/2020 6:15 am
Trusted Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Not getting full X-axis travel mk2.5s


I have a bear frame so it was a little easier to tweak.  Skew is what was getting me.  Skew on the original frame can be adjusted, its just a pain.  You gotta do it with those nuts.  

The other trick I used for a while was to just change the max travel allowed in the firmware.  It's like one variable you change in the 1_75mm_MK25S-RAMBo13a-E3Dv6full.h file.  I made mine like 254 instead of 250 for max x travel.  Just make sure you don't collide with the z-axis guides.  The instructions on github are pretty easy to follow to compile the firmware.  

Posted : 01/02/2020 6:28 am
Active Member
RE: Not getting full X-axis travel mk2.5s

+1. I have the same problem with a MK2.5s. I double checked all the builds. The end stop piece is not allowing for the last bit of travel to the left. 

Posted : 01/07/2020 5:39 am
New Member
RE: Not getting full X-axis travel mk2.5s

My 2.5s had been printing great for almost 3 years until all of a sudden the x-axis began to hang up on the right side around 200mm. I don't know what happen to cause that. Also, when it goes to the home position sometimes it doesn't stop when the switch is activated. Does anyone have any ideas?

Posted : 12/07/2020 12:57 am
Chicago Keri
Estimable Member
RE: Not getting full X-axis travel mk2.5s


I have some ideas for what they're worth...

After 3 years of printing, you could have wear issues.

For the X carriage sticking, check the X axis idler for wear or binding, the X axis linear bearings for free movement and for anything hitting the belt or X carriage.

For the X axis homing not stopping when the end stop switch clicks, it could be the switch no longer works electrically or the wires broke or came loose near the switch. As it is just an on/off switch, an Ohmmeter can help with this.

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Posted : 26/07/2020 8:05 pm