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Y Motor stuck??
Any thoughts until prusa technician deal with it ?
Posted : 22/03/2017 4:51 pm
Re: Y Motor stuck??
I can't listen to your video right now, but solely visually, it kind of looks like a problem I ran into when I just got my Mk2.
Can you re-seat the Y motor's wire on the RAMBO pcb? Does that change anything?
If there's no change, plug in the X-motor to the Y-header on the RAMBO, to check if the erratic behaviour happens on the X-motor too. That should help pinpoint if the problem is the motor or the PCB.
Posted : 22/03/2017 5:17 pm
Topic starter
Re: Y Motor stuck??
You are the BEST , Y motor's wire was loose 😯 on RAMBO pcb. Back in business
Posted : 22/03/2017 5:46 pm