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Weirdest failure I've seen yet  

Eminent Member
Weirdest failure I've seen yet

I have been running off a few of the monohull paddle boats ( ) for a camping trip we are going on. Using slic3r PE, set to fast, with infill set to 5%. Printed three hulls succesfully, and during the 4th this happened using the same gcode:

Print was still firmly attached to bed, it almost looks like a layer separated after the keels were almost done.

Posted : 26/07/2017 3:31 pm
Eminent Member
Re: Weirdest failure I've seen yet

Most likely your x belt was slipping and caused layer to move. Make sure your belt is tight and those small screws on belt gear is tight (another one is tightened to groove on motor axel).

Posted : 27/07/2017 1:16 pm
Eminent Member
Topic starter answered:
Re: Weirdest failure I've seen yet

Hadn't thought of that, but it does make sense. Printed another hull and set of paddle wheels after this and it went fine, but Ill check that axis when I get home. thanks!

Posted : 27/07/2017 3:12 pm