Trouble with layer adhesion and clogging issues
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Trouble with layer adhesion and clogging issues  

Active Member
Trouble with layer adhesion and clogging issues

I'm currently having trouble printing a red PLA from AMZ3D:

Dimensions look to be in spec. But every time I print anything over about 2 inches tall, the filament clogs and ruins the print. The suggested print temp range is 180-210. I started printing at 195 and barely any filament extruded with major clogging issues (heard the clicking sound). I worked the temperature up to 210/215 and got pretty good results, except for printing larger objects.

Anyone else having this issue or have any tips to prevent this problem? I tried reducing the speed to 70% with the same result. First layer adhesion is great.

Posted : 15/08/2017 7:07 pm
Member Moderator
Re: Trouble with layer adhesion and clogging issues

are you printing inside an enclosure ?

if so, make sure that the temperature inside it doesn't get beyond approx. 40 - 45°C, because otherwise your extruder fan (the one at the left side of the print head) won't be able to cool down the coldend to the required temperature. if this happens you get clogging.
furthermore: pla has a vicat temperature at about 54°C, so if your environmental temperature is near the vicat temperature the print doesn't solidify quick enough, which will get you in trouble at overhangs and upcurling areas in particular.

dem inscheniör is' nix zu schwör...

Posted : 16/08/2017 12:19 pm
Bill R
New Member
Re: Trouble with layer adhesion and clogging issues


Great information! I recently built a LACK enclosure and moved my printer into it and have been having all sorts of adhesion issues.

Just to confirm that this may be my issue;

I've been seeing good adhesion on the first layer, but at some point during the print the layers either become extremely brittle or I get the spaghetti mess. I've noticed that I get clogs, but when I open the door it can recover.

It sure sounds like too much ambient heat, but just double checking for confirmation feedback.


Posted : 16/08/2017 5:10 pm
Bill R
New Member
Re: Trouble with layer adhesion and clogging issues


Also, would upgrading to the Nocturna fan help reduce incidents?


Posted : 16/08/2017 5:13 pm
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
Re: Trouble with layer adhesion and clogging issues

Thank you Jeff for the advice! I am planning on building an enclosure in the future, so I will keep that in mind. But I currently don't have my printer inside one. My apartment can get around 30 degrees Celsius during the high time during the day.

Posted : 16/08/2017 6:12 pm
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
Re: Trouble with layer adhesion and clogging issues

I am also in contact with the filament manufacture, so I will post the results of that for anyone interested.

Posted : 16/08/2017 6:14 pm
Member Moderator
Re: Trouble with layer adhesion and clogging issues


Also, would upgrading to the Nocturna fan help reduce incidents?


not really, even if the fan is larger and can provide a bigger air flow: if the ambient temperature is already above 50°C, you can't cool down the coldend to 50°C with this heated up air.
it might help a little bit if your ambient temperature is close to the 50°.

the E3D trouble-shooting gives the following advice:An easy way to check that your heatsink has sufficient air flow is to simply feel the heatsink with a finger after a print has been running for some time. (Be careful not to touch the heater-block, it will burn you instantly) The entirety of the heatsink should be cool to the touch, including the bottom fins closest to the hot parts.


and to be honest: if your coldend is cooled down to 50°C it isn't really "cold to the touch", it's more or less: "you can still touch it without burning your fingers".

dem inscheniör is' nix zu schwör...

Posted : 17/08/2017 10:52 am
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
Re: Trouble with layer adhesion and clogging issues

AMZ3D eventually did get back to me and after a few emails, they ended up printing the dragon with their red filament. Props on them for putting this much effort into it. They even sent a picture of their print settings on their Delta 3D printer.

The print came out fine so it's either a bad spool or my extruder. I will update this post when I find a solution.

Posted : 21/08/2017 9:36 pm