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Stringy prints  

Active Member
Stringy prints

As can be seen below, I'm having some very "stringy" and messy prints, using PLA (that came with my Prusa printer), using default heat settings. During slic3r, using Print settings "0.20mm NORMAL" setting and print speed is 100% (default).

It seems like my Z-axis may be off or something, too, because to get the a good "2Calibration" test print, I had to lower the Live Z to -1.30 mm, which seems excessive to me.

I'm a newbie, so probably doing something wrong. Thanks in advance for any pointers.


Posted : 26/08/2017 2:02 am
Noble Member
Re: Stringy prints

I am not sure what I am looking at in your picture.

If this is the UNDERSIDE of the print, then it is unreasonable to expect the printer to print this model without using supports. What you are seeing is failed bridging attempts.

Have you started with simple prints from the SD card provided, and make sure things are working well with the printer. Then step up to slicing your own things, but do things that don't need supports at first, to get the hang of slicing. The proceed to more difficult things.

Some getting started advice that might help you can be found here:

If that does not help, please comment back here and we can see what we can figure out.

Any advices given are offered in good faith. It is your responsibility to ensure that by following my advice you do not suffer or cause injury, damage or loss. If you solve your problem, please post the solution…

Posted : 26/08/2017 2:17 am
Active Member
Re: Stringy prints


Yeah looks like you need to activate supports if thats the underside of the print 🙂 I am yet to figure out how to use supports and have it come out looking as good as "on top" printing, but supports will for sure cure all those hanging spaghetti trails.

Welcome to 3D printing btw! Kiss goodbye to hoouuuuuuuuuurrrrs of your life spent staring at slowly growing plastic :mrgreen:

Posted : 26/08/2017 12:02 pm