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reprinting all parts  

Eminent Member
reprinting all parts

So, while the printer is working, I am tempted to print a full set of replacement printed parts just to be covered for any incidents in the future.

The nice part is of course that they are available, but there's not a 'plate' version that I can find. Is there somewhere a file that contains the parts laid out in an optimal way for best printing of everything in two or three print tasks?

If I have to lay everything our myself, so some parts need different settings or should everything be printed the same, and what should that be? I would guess at printing everything with 3 shells, 3 top & bottom layers and 30% cubic infill, but is that the best way?

I will happily lay everything out and put the files on thinkiverse if no-one else already has done this.

Posted : 31/07/2017 1:56 pm
Eminent Member
Re: reprinting all parts

Prusa has a link to all the printable parts on their site. For the MK2S upgrade parts, they provide a Gcode for them. You can open that Gcode in Notepad++ for example to look at the settings that are used in that Gcode file and I would assume you would be able to use them for all of your parts.

About placement I would be mindful of spires (like the spire on the fan nozzle). Printed alone in abs, may make it difficult for that to turn out properly as the temp height and speed of printing may not allow those areas to cool properly for a proper print. So having multiple vertical areas separated for the nozzle to move between will help give the abs time to cool so it doesn't start globbing under a constant confined print area.

(I hope all of that make sense, I'm not the best at explaining things lol)


Posted : 13/08/2017 6:00 pm
Estimable Member
Re: reprinting all parts

So, while the printer is working, I am tempted to print a full set of replacement printed parts just to be covered for any incidents in the future.

The nice part is of course that they are available, but there's not a 'plate' version that I can find. Is there somewhere a file that contains the parts laid out in an optimal way for best printing of everything in two or three print tasks?

If I have to lay everything our myself, so some parts need different settings or should everything be printed the same, and what should that be? I would guess at printing everything with 3 shells, 3 top & bottom layers and 30% cubic infill, but is that the best way?

I will happily lay everything out and put the files on thinkiverse if no-one else already has done this.

Prusa does not provide "plate" versions of the gcode because their needs are different. Keep in mind, they are using well over 100 printers full time to make parts. What works for their best placement is not best for us. They most likely don't have two or three printers making a full set of parts for one printer. Rather, 20 printers make nothing but x-carriages, 20 make extruder covers, etc. As I recall it took me three rounds to print a full set. It might not have taken a full 3 because I had a few parts not turn out the first time.

Posted : 15/08/2017 2:49 am
Eminent Member
Topic starter answered:
Re: reprinting all parts

...forgot to activate reply notifications, doh!

Thanks for the replied both. Makes sense. Good tip about checking the provided gcode files for used settings. I'll check all of them and see if any are different.

Posted : 27/08/2017 9:25 am