Reduced priced MK2 upgrade?
I bought the i3 printer on 04/05/2016 ,
Do i remember correctly that thoose fo us that bought the i3 printer close to the release of the upgraded MK2 printer got a offer for a reduced price on the upgade kit?
Is this correct? ? Is the offer still standing?
Re: Reduced priced MK2 upgrade?
Hi tomas,
I'm not sure that community members know the answer, so the best way to know this is probably to use the chat on the shop website and to ask to PR directly.
I'm like Jon Snow, I know nothing.
Re: Reduced priced MK2 upgrade?
I think it was a limited time only because you could have got the MK2. Now the MK2 has been out for some time you had the choice to upgrade with discount early on. Seems reasonable. I think it fair if there is a cut off period (however this has now dissapeared from the website) but have a word with live chat. They may honor the discount still. 😉